[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 8/20/17
Brian Keene here. This is Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. If you're a new subscriber, previous issues are archived here.
I didn't get as much work done this week as I had hoped.
My youngest son -- known to listeners of my podcast as Dungeonmaster 77.1 -- wanted to enjoy his last week of summer vacation, so we visited Gettysburg and toured the battlefield, and we read comic books and played video games and had a grand old time. He starts fourth grade this week. I'm not sure how that happened. It seems like just yesterday I was watching him be born.
My godson -- author Geoff Cooper's son -- wanted to play cards (and by cards I mean Magic the Gathering) so I took him to the comic book store and we had a grand time kicking butt together and getting our geek on and socializing with other Magic players. We also talked about the nuances of the music of Social Distortion. He started ninth grade this week. High School. I'm not sure how that happened. It seems like just yesterday he was a toddler, shopping the toy aisle at Wal-Mart with me, his Uncle Brian, pushing him in the cart.
My oldest son turns 27 in a few months. Fourth grade and High School are behind him. He's now dealing with all the things that the rest of us have to deal with -- work and relationships and paying the bills on time. I'm not sure how that happened. It seems like just yesterday that his mother took off with him, sending me into a spiral of depression and grief that birthed THE RISING.
I didn't get as much work done this week as I hoped. Still waiting to hear back on TV Projects 1 and 2. Worked a little on TV Project 3. Answered a lot of emails about I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY. Wrote a chapter on me and Bryan Smith's FUCKED. Wrote a little on THE MOTEL AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
But mostly, I spent time with my boys and my godson.
Summer will be over in another month.

The paperback edition of THRONE OF THE BASTARDS is in bookstores and on Kindle next Tuesday! Or you can get it on Amazon right now by clicking here.
Sword and sorcery collides with horror once again in this sequel to Brian Keene and Steven L. Shrewsbury’s award-winning KING OF THE BASTARDS.
Learning that his family is in danger, Rogan returns to his former kingdom, now under siege from foreign invaders and supernatural forces led by his bastard son. With time running out, the aging barbarian and his trusted companions, Javan and Akibeel, must forge an alliance of new friends and old foes, mustering an army to retake the kingdom. Surrounded by savages, soldiers, demons, and dark magic, it will take all of their cunning, skill, ruthlessness, and courage to survive the slaughter and determine once and for all who shall sit upon the THRONE OF THE BASTARDS.
Cover art by Daniel Kamarudin.
ISBN TPB: 978-1-937009-60-1
Craving more of Rogan's adventures? Check out KING OF THE BASTARDS!
I intend to finalize the date today. Unfortunately, I won't be able to finalize it before sending out this newsletter.
The date for what, you ask?
For A Very Brian Keene Christmas -- a film festival with Paul Campion and Mike Lombardo and Dave Thomas and myself (and probably some other special guests). It will take place here in Central Pennsylvania, in a movie theater, in either November or December. We'll screen THE NAUGHTY LIST and I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY. You'll have a chance to ask Paul, Mike, and myself questions about the films. We'll sign things for you. It will be fun.
Details next week (provided the dates the theater gives me and Paul's availability line up).
I'll be signing books on October 21st at the Haverhill Public Library 99 Main St, Haverhill, MA 01830. Also signing that day will be Joe Hill, Mary SanGiovanni, Paul Tremblay, Christopher Golden, Rio Youers, John Urbancik, James A. Moore, John McIlveen, and many many more.
Speaking of Christopher Golden, he is one of the hosts of the popular THREE GUYS WITH BEARDS podcast.
And I am, of course, one of the hosts of the popular THE HORROR SHOW WITH BRIAN KEENE podcast.
In a few weeks, Chris and I will be joining forces for a new podcast -- DEFENDERS DIALOGUE.
Don't worry. Neither of us are leaving our other podcasts. This new endeavor will be in addition to them.
CURRENTLY READING: Marvel Masterworks - The Defenders Vol. 1
CURRENTLY LISTENING: Kix - "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"
Binge-watched THE DEFENDERS yesterday. I have a long association with that comic book property.

That is THE DEFENDERS issue #33. It was one of the first two comic books I ever purchased. The year was 1977. As I said in my essay over at Stephen King Revisited, it was that comic book that first made me aware that writing was a job somebody could have when they grew up. And so, while every other kid my age wanted to be an astronaut or a police officer or The Six-Million Dollar Man, I was already planning on being a writer.
I loved THE DEFENDERS. I collected -- and still have -- every single issue. As a teenager, it was J.M DeMatteis's work on the book that -- just as Steve Gerber's work on the book had done a decade before -- taught me a lot more about writing, specifically about writing horror and pathos.
Before I watched the Netflix series, I declared on social media that although Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Iron Fist were indeed members of the team in the comics, if there's no Dr. Strange, Hulk, Namor, Silver Surfer, Valkyrie, Nighthawk, Gargoyle, Red Guardian, Moon Knight, Son of Satan, Devil-Slayer, Overmind, or Clea...then it ain't my Defenders.
How do I feel about having now watched the series?
It's not The Defenders of old. it's not the comic book people my age grew up reading. However, it does indeed summon nostalgia for that time period. The interplay between Luke Cage and Iron Fist captured 70's Marvel in the same way the first Avengers film did. As an adaptation of Marvel's The Defenders...it fails. But as an adaptation of Marvel's Heroes For Hire? It succeeds beyond all measure. Bottom line, it's very enjoyable. Cage, Daredevil, Night Nurse, & Misty Knight are especially compelling. Just don't expect the Elf With A Gun or The Headmen to show up.
I still argue that the first and second episodes are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too slow. But if you hang in till episode 3, things start cooking and the final product is great. I had a lot of fun watching it, and hope they do a second season.
Fair warning -- you will need to watch seasons 1 and 2 of Daredevil before watching this.
That's it for this week. Reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff. (In fact, a new short story went live there just this week).
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
Take care.