[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 10/22/17
Welcome back to Letters From the Labyrinth, a newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.

This past week was spent working on PROJECT: CEREAL (the codename I gave to a project I'm involved in that I can't tell you about yet). I am serving as showrunner on this project, and heading up a writers room. The series bible -- the thing that outlines the story and the characters and everything that happens in this world -- is due tomorrow, which is why I am awake this morning at 4:43am and typing this from the business center of a Hampton Inn near Haverhill, MA.
Rust never sleeps.
Anyway, I worked on PROJECT: CEREAL all week. On Thursday, John Urbancik arrived at me and Mary's home, while Mike Lombardo headed to Columbus for the premiere of I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY. On Friday, Mary, John, and I drove from Pennsylvania to Massachusetts. That drive is supposed to take six hours. It took us ten, because Connecticut -- while a lovely state to look at -- has some of the worst gridlock in America. Connecticut took a look at the highways around New York City, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles and then said, "Hold my beer".
I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY premiered to much fanfare at the Nightmares Film Festival in Columbus while I was traveling at six miles per hour on Interstate-95. Hope Bikle won Best Actress, for which we are super excited. Kevin Foster of The 546 Project has video of her win here, which you can watch for free (you'll need to be logged in to Facebook).
Early reviews of WHITE DOOMSDAY are very, very positive. Critics and attendees are praising Mike's directing and script, praising Hope, Reeve, and Damian's acting, praising the score, the effects, and much more. This is everything that I hoped for when I offered to serve as Executive Producer on what is Mike's first feature length film. He is super fucking talented, and I knew that all he needed was somebody with some cache in his corner to tell the world, "Hey, this kid has talent. You really need to see his movies."
Which is now what is happening. I couldn't be more proud of Mike, and everyone involved.
THE NAUGHTY LIST opened for WHITE DOOMSDAY. Over the last week, I've heard from several people who said, "Gee, I can't wait to see THE NAUGHTY LIST." Just a reminder to those folks -- you don't have to wait to see THE NAUGHTY LIST. It's available for free on YouTube.
So, around the time that Mike was texting me from the red carpet, Mary, John and I were finally arriving in Haverhill. We went to a party at publisher and author John McIlveen's house, where we got to see our dear old friends Tim Lebbon and Rio Youers.

People say I never smile in pictures. Fuck those people. That's a genuine smile on my face. (Provided that your email service is showing you a picture of Time, Rio and myself above. If not, just take my word for it).
We signed books all day Saturday. Much fun was had. For example:

Paul Tremblay (pictured above with Rachel Autumn Deering) decided to cosplay as a cucumber while Rachel and I were on a panel about horror comics. If you don't know why he did this, then you should visit The Horror Show with Brian Keene website, click on Show Archives, and scroll down to Paul's first appearance on the show.
Now, it is Sunday morning. In a few hours, Mary, John, Dave Thomas, Christopher Golden, James A. Moore, Tim, Rio, and I will record a podcast. Then, we face another ten hour drive home.
And that series bible for PROJECT: CEREAL is still due tomorrow.
Which brings us full circle to this business center in the Haverhill Hampton Inn, where I am typing this (except that it is now 6:25am).
Last week, I told you there was an issue with the new paperback editions of J.F. Gonzalez's BACK FROM THE DEAD and THE CORPORATION. Those issues have now been resolved, and the paperbacks are available for sale and in stock at Amazon.
PRIMITIVE will follow in just a few weeks.
And unless signature sheets go missing, the hardcover of CLICKERS FOREVER should be available for pre-order next month.
Paperback editions of SCHOOL'S OUT are also finally available.
Eight-year-old Alan doesn’t like going to school, but when a global pandemic leaves him orphaned, cold, starving, and lonely, he has no choice but to set out on a dangerous quest to return to his third-grade classroom.
SCHOOL’S OUT, an all-new post-apocalyptic novella by bestselling author Brian Keene, was suggested to him by his son (known to listeners of Keene’s podcast as Dungeonmaster 77.1), and marks their first official collaboration. It is suitable for all ages.
Available now on Kindle, Nook, and Kobo for just $2.99! Paperback for just $5.99.
A reminder that Mary and I will be signing next Saturday, October 28th, from 1pm to 3pm at Comix Connection 2150 White St York, PA 17404.
We will be signing copies of DC HOUSE OF HORROR #1, along with the store’s stock of books. You can also bring books from home to be signed. There is no charge for signatures, provided you purchase a copy of the comic from the store.
That's it for this week. A few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
See you next Sunday!