Letters From the Labyrinth 63
I'm Brian Keene and this is Letters From the Labyrinth, a newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
So, I've been promising you a big screen showing of THE NAUGHTY LIST (a short film directed by Paul Campion and based on a short story by me) and I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY (a feature length film directed by Mike Lombardo and executive produced by me), along with an in-theatre appearance by Paul, Mike and myself.
We've finally arranged to make that happen.
Friday, November 10th, join me, Mike, and Paul Campion at the Lancaster International Film Festival for a joint screening of both movies, as well as several other horror shorts. Following the films, there will be a live Q&A with all three of us, and several other special guests. Those Q&A's will be recorded for the DVDs of both films, and portions of them will also be recorded for The Horror Show with Brian Keene. We will also be available to sign items you bring from home, time permitting.
The Lancaster International Film Festival takes place at Elks Lodge 219 N Duke St, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602. Doors open at 8:45pm and the show kicks off at 9:15pm. Advance tickets are $15, and tickets at the door will be $20. TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED HERE.
We expect the theatre to reach maximum capacity so make sure you get your tickets early, if you can.
Yesterday, Mary and I signed at our local comic shop, Comix Connection in York, PA. The signing was to promote DC HOUSE OF HORROR #1. The store thought they'd ordered enough for the signing, but had sold out of their stock by Thursday (which is a really good problem to have). Luckily, they were able to secure more for yesterday. I dearly hope this same thing is happening at comic stores across the country.
Here's a pic of us before the signing.

I've known the owners of Comix Connection -- Bill Wahl and Ned Senft -- for thirty or so years now, more than half of my life. We've been through a lot together, both professionally and personally. I can count on these two guys more than I can a lot of the other people in my life, because I knew them *before* I was 'Brian Keene'. So, it's always good and reaffirming for me to be able to make them some money as *Brian Keene*, which is what we did yesterday. They have two great stores in Central Pennsylvania. Also, they stock my books and comics. If you're ever in the area, stop by and give them your business.

PS: A fun note. I made Bill an official character in the Marvel universe by including him in DEAD OF NIGHT: DEVIL SLAYER. He was one of Danny Sylva's fellow soldiers, abducted and killed by the Bloodstone mercenaries. And Ned is an official character in THE LAST ZOMBIE series, including appearing on one of the covers. He was the leader of the leprosy colony.
Speaking of THE LAST ZOMBIE, look for some news on that next year. The comic book series may be over, but it might be born again in a new form...
Speaking of vague teases, things on PROJECT: CEREAL are starting to move now. I've completed and turned in the series bible, and now they are now in the process of picking writers for the writer's room which I'll oversee.
Can't say much more than that. indeed, I'm not even sure the NDA allows me to say what I just did above, so let's keep it our secret, okay?
Once the writing team is contracted and in place, expect the big wigs to issue a press release.
Had hoped to include more content this week, but awoke to the news this morning that the East Coast is about to get hit with a "Bombogenesis" storm, which is something I'd never heard of until just a few minutes ago. Here's the latest news on it. I live right in the path of this fucker, and only a few 100 feet from the Susquehanna River, so instead of finishing this newsletter, I've got to go make sure the sandbags and such are ready, and make sure the emergency generator is working, in case we lose power.
Bombogenesis. That is a delightful word. Sounds like something Jack Kirby would have made up during his 1970s return to Marvel Comics -- a plotline from Captain America and the Falcon or perhaps The Eternals.
Anyway, that's it for this week. A few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff. In fact, I just posted a new chapter of THE SEVEN: THE LABYRINTH, BOOK ONE earlier this week
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
See you next Sunday, post-Bombogenesis!