Letters From the Labyrinth 97

Like we always do about this time, I'm Brian Keene and this is Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
Last Friday, Mary and I made the two hour drive back to the burn center for my latest follow-up appointment. Along the way, we listened to BKR (that's Brian Keene Radio, in case you've missed the last few newsletters).
It was a big day for BKR, as this was the first time I was letting the artificial intelligence that backs me up when I'm sleeping take over. It did remarkably well. Indeed, it did a little too well. I write to music. The whole idea behind BKR was that I'd never have to get up and change the music ever again, and thus, could write without interupttion. It's a station designed inside my brain, playing music I like, and not playing anything I dislike.
But as we drove, the A.I. seemed to be inside my head. The music flowed perfectly. When two tractor trailers blocked the highway in front of me and a third refused to yeild at the on ramp, the A.I. played Sammy Hagar's "I Can't Drive 55" just as I needed to put on a burst of speed to avoid getting pancaked. It did this throughout the entire trip -- playing choices as diverse as Dr. Dre, Fugazi, Adele, Yob, Anthrax, Johnny Cash, Mel Tillis, Howlin' Wolf, Snoop Dogg, Van halen, Pet Shop Boys, Nine Inch Nails, Waylon Jennings, Sick of It All, and Mastadon EXACTLY WHEN I NEEDED TO HEAR THEM, in compliment with whatever conversation, thought, or driving situation was taking place at that moment.
At one point, Mary asked, "Is the A.I. connected to your phone?"
I nodded. "I can control it from my phone."
"Maybe it's listening to us."
"It's not that kind of A.I.," I said.
"Well, I'm impressed, Keene. I don't think it can play anything that will surprise me at this point."
And ten seconds later, the A.I. played a Broadway showtune.
Mary laughed, a little nervously, and then accused me of building an Ultron. "It thinks like you and has the ability to broadcast to the entire world. How is that not an Ultron, Keene?"
Apparently, someone else thought it was an Ultron, as well. Sometime late Friday night or early Saturday morning, a hacker gained access to BKR, The Horror Show with Brian Keene website, and Brian Keene dot com. They didn't upload a virus or redirect visitors. They simply nuked everything, deleting indexes and content. The attack on Brian Keene dot com was unsuccessful, but BKR was knocked off the air and The Horror Show with Brian Keene website was completely destroyed.
I spent most of Saturday at Mary's parent's house, sequestered in their dining room, conferring with my co-host Dave Thomas, and our network owner Armand Rosamilia, and a hacker friend of mine who began hacking the hacker. We got The Horror Show website back up and running, and reinforced its defenses. Then we delivered a nice little care package to the hacker. (Or, I should say my friend did. I don't know the first thing about hacking). Then I made the three hour drive back home (Mary is staying at her parent's house for a week) and got BKR back up and on the air. I did a live show last night for about two hours, and will most likely do more live shows every day this week, because I enjoy doing them. I like the immediacy of them, and the instant interaction with my readers/listeners.
Anyway, check out the newly redesigned The Horror Show with Brian Keene website. And do tune in to BKR.
(As I type this, the BKR A.I. just mixed Motorhead's "Deaf Forever" with Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night". Because that is exactly what it is like inside my head....)
The follow up at the burn unit went well. My face, head and scalp are completely healed. the skin there is like an infant's skin, so i have to be careful not to scratch it and I absolutely can't expose it to direct sunlight or UV. My arm is healing very well. The skin there is the same thing, but even moreso. The only part that's not healing is the elbow, so that's still bandaged. I'll have to wear long sleeves through winter. But no scarring on my face or head, and very minimal scarring on my hand. My arm will be scarred, particularly the elbow, but it could have been a lot worse.
Jack Haringa is one of my oldest friends in this business. I met him back in 1998, and we've had each other's backs ever since. As a scholar and an academic, he's done a lot of things for this genre. Perhaps most notable is his championing of Jack Ketchum. Long dismissed by the literati as simply an extreme horror writer, it was Jack Haringa who changed academia's outlook on Ketchum's work, and paved the way for Stephen King to now famously excoriate the establishment for their treatment of Ketchum's work.
I've killed Jack several times. He was Madison Haringa in THE RISING. I also killed him in the short stories "Lest Ye Become" and "Grammar of the Dead" and I *think* I killed him in another one, but I can't remember which. Oh, and Nick Mamatas and I gave him a cameo in THE DAMNED HIGHWAY.
Jack went in the hospital just as I was getting out of the burn ward. We've been sending each other texts from our sick beds. He had a blocked artery at the base of his skull, and the doctors put in two stents. Jack has medical insurance, so no worries, right?
Wrong. There is a medicine Jack needs to stay alive, but his insurance company won't pay for it because of some patent issue. So Jack has to pay for the medicine out of pocket.
And the medicine costs around $30,000.
You didn't read that wrong, and I didn't add an extra zero.
There's a GoFundMe for Jack. He is in as dire need as I was. If you can help -- if you can give a dollar -- please do. if you can't, please consider sharing the link to the GoFundMe.
This is our lives now...
Review copies of END OF THE ROAD have been sent out to book reviewers, and pictures of those review copies have made their way to social media. I've seen some readers comment that this must mean the book is now shipping. No, not yet. review copies are sent out a month or two before a book ships, so that reviewers have time to do their thing.
But soon, kids. Soon.
You can pre-order it here. I'm proud of END OF THE ROAD. I think it's one of my better books.
We'll be talking about Harlan Ellison's passing on next week's episode of The Horror Show. But for my money, the best eulogy and retrospective is this one, written by Nick Mamatas. Check it out.
A reminder on some upcoming appearances:
July 19 – 22
Baypoint Inn & Conference Center
144 Anthony Rd.
Portsmouth, RI 02871
Note: I will be receiving the Necon Legend Award (along with fellow honoree Carole Whitney).
August 3 – 5
Scares That Care Weekend 5
Doubletree By Hilton
50 Kingsmill Road
Williamsburg, Virginia, 23185
August 24 – 26
Wingate by Wyndham Conference Center
Round Rock, Texas
Now, regarding these -- I'm still recovering. I'll be wearing long sleeves and staying indoors and avoiding UV light. I get tired quickly and can't drink much right now. Point being, while I'll still happily sign books and talk with you and hang out, I'll also probably be going to bed earlier and not holding court in the bar.
This is our lives now...
Okay, that's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
BRIAN KEENE RADIO - Broadcasting for free 24/7
I'll see you back here next week.