Letters From the Labyrinth 101

Like we always do on Sunday morning, I'm Brian Keene, and this is Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work.
Previous issues are archived here.
The fifth annual Scares That Care Charity Weekend event was a massive success, giving the charity the ability to immediately write checks for all of our families that we are helping this year.
As always happens, given that I serve on the Board of Directors and work the convention behind the scenes, I was super busy and didn't get to hang out with as many people as I wanted to, but I did make time for old friends when I could -- particularly author, photographer and podcaster John Urbancik. He and I have known each other for nearly 25 years now. We first met at a horror convention, and for years --as younger men -- we and many other authors had a tradition of staying awake all night on the last night of the convention, because we knew that we would have to say goodbye and head home later that day. When you are the only writer -- particularly the only horror writer -- in the place where you live, you form friendships with other authors you meet at conventions. Those friendships are as strong as those formed in the military and college. Indeed, I'd argue they are stronger.
In all the years I've known John, I've never known him to live in one place for too long. One year, he's in New York. The next, he's in Australia. Then Florida. Most recently, Virginia. And now...now he is moving to Madrid, Spain.
This bothers me. And I guess my discomfort is tied to my accident from earlier this year. We're no strangers to losing people. My generation of horror writers have lost a number of mentors and heroes -- Richard Laymon, Dallas Mayr (aka Jack Ketchum), Rick Hautala, Graham Joyce, Charles Grant, and Phil Nutman are just a few of the people who helped us and inspired us and befreinded us and were taken too soon. But at some point, the reaper began coming for our own generation. J.F. Gonzalez. Then Tom Piccirilli. We almost lost John to a heart attack. And now, earlier this summer, we almost lost Jack Haringa and myself.
It sucked, saying goodbye to John on the Monday morning after the convention. It was tough for me, and I know it was tough for him. (I know this because, although neither of us told each other, we both independently told Mary SanGiovanni). Why was it tough? Because I reckon we were both aware that while it might not be this particular time, one of these convention goodbyes is going to be our last.
But nature abhors a vaccum, and phoenixes always rise again, and one thing that John and I both noticed -- with absolute delight -- was Mike Lombardo, Matt Hayward, Aaron Dries, and several other younger creatives refusing to go to sleep on the last night of the convention. Mike and Matt later informed me that they started doing this last year, because they knew that they would have to say goodbye and head home later that day. When you are the only writer -- particularly the only horror writer -- in the place where you live, you form friendships with other authors you meet at conventions. Those friendships are as strong as those formed in the military and college. Indeed, I'd argue they are stronger.
Life is a circle. To paraphrase Stephen King, that wheel always comes back around again.
Enjoy that ride, kids. Although, I'll warn you -- it gets tougher and tougher to stay up all night as you get older. ;-)
Author Matt Hayward and his wife Anna came home with Mary and I after the convention and stayed with us for the week. We had a wonderful time.
On Monday, we decompressed from the convention and just hung out. On Tuesday we hung out more and had dinner with Mike Lombardo.
On Wednesday, Matt was our guest on The Horror Show with Brian Keene. That night, he, Anna, Mary, and I were joined by podcast co-hosts Dave Thomas and Phoebe, and Lombardo and his girlfriend Lex Quinn, and authors Bob Ford and Kelli Owen, and we all sat out on my dock and watched the moon over the river and talked shop and listened to Brian Keene Radio long into the night.
On Thursday, we took Matt and Anna to the York Emporium (one of the largest used bookstores on the East Coast, and I bought Matt the last two signed J.F. Gonzalez books in the store. (If you've read CLICKERS FOREVER, then you know what a huge influence J.F. was on Matt). Thursday night, we had dinner with Matt, Anna, Bob, Kelli, author Wesley Southard and his wife, and my oldest son. Then, we visited Rehmeyer's Hollow -- the real-life inspiration for my own LeHorn's Hollow.
It was a great week, and I miss them already.
Here are a few pics from the convention and the week that followed.

Me and actor John Anderson (who is my new best friend and long lost brother).

The WELCOME TO THE SHOW panel. Left to Right: Mary SanGiovanni, myself, Kelli Owen, Patrick Lacey, and Matt Hayward. Also present but not pictured are Rachel Autumn Deering, Adam Cesare, and Matt Serafini. WELCOME TO THE SHOW is the anthology I mentioned in last week's newsletter. While at the convention, it hit number one on Amazon.

Aaron Dries, Mary, and myself. Love this guy. Check out his books.

Dave, myself, Mary, and Phoebe in studio, preparing for the interview with Matt.

LeHorn's Hollow, after dark...

Thursday night dinner.
While at the convention, I was totally surprised and completely humbled to find out that the rest of the Board of Directors for the Scares That Care charity decided to present me with this year’s 2018 Scares That Care Assistance Award — an honor previously bestowed upon Kane Hodder, Count Gore De Vol, Grindhouse Nights Film Festival, and many others. The award recognizes those who help the charity, and my fellow board members decided to honor the efforts of second annual The Horror Show with Brian Keene telethon, which raised $21,000 for the charity in 24 hours.
I did not know I was to be this year’s recipient until I was presented with the crystal statue. As a result, I had no prepared speech. I couldn’t have delivered a speech even if I had one, because I was moved to tears.
Now that I’ve had time to recover from our fifth annual convention, let this serve as my speech.
I’ve known Joe Ripple the better part of two decades now, and in that time, he has earned my trust an loyalty — two things I don’t give out easily. If Joe asked me to drag my balls across six miles of broken glass, I’d do it, because I love and respect him. Luckily, instead of asking me if I’d like to drag my balls across six miles of broken glass, Joe instead asked me if I’d like to help him help kids with cancer and terminal illnesses, moms with breast cancer, and burn victims. I immediately said yes, and for the last five years I’ve been happy to back him up in this worthy endeavor.
In my private life, I’m most proud of my sons. In my public life, I’m most proud of what Scares That Care accomplishes. I know that, to the public, I’m Brian Keene the best-selling horror author. But when I am working for Scares That Care, all of that falls by the wayside. I see directly how we help people in their darkest hours, and impact their lives when they need it the most. Sometimes, seeing that is tough, and it is often humbling, but there’s nothing better than what we accomplish as a charity — and as a team. And you folks out there in the audience are a part of that team, as well.
Thank you Joe Ripple for giving me an opportunity to be one of the good guys. Thanks to my fellow board members — Al, Jason, Andrew, and the League of Brians. I’m proud to serve alongside each of you. Thanks to all of our volunteer staff, and to all of you who attended this weekend or have contributed to one of our other fundraiser events. And thanks to those who contributed to the telethon, to the Project Entertainment Network for hosting us, and to my fellow Horror Show with Brian Keene co-hosts — Mary SanGiovanni, Dave Thomas, Mike Lombardo, Phoebe, Dungeonmaster 77.1, and Matt Wildasin.
Thank you. Go out there and fight monsters.

Me accepting the award. I wish I had given the speech above, but I was too stunned.
I am pleased to announce that I have agreed to a multi-book deal with Poltergeist Press, who will be publishing Russian editions of my work, beginning with DARK HOLLOW, which will also serve as their inaugural launch.
More details when I have them.
This is how we combat Russian piracy. Horror fans there are desperate for new books to read. The pirated ediions have terrible translations, and Russian consumers are willing to spend money for faithful translations instead.
DO NOT GO QUIETLY is a forthcoming new anthology from Apex Publications that includes not just a brand new short story by me, but also a brand new story by J.F. Gonzalez. How is that possible? Well, Jesus had a number of unfinished stories he was working on when he passed away. This is one of those stories, and it is being finished by none other than Lesley Conner — whom he mentored for years before his death.
For full details — and to see the complete table of contents — click here to visit the anthology’s Kickstarter page, the campaign for which is currently underway.
My Latest Podcasts:
MATT HAYWARD - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 180
Author and musician Matt Hayward joins Brian, Dave, Mary and Phoebe in studio to discuss transitioning from a career in music to a career writing horror, J.F. Gonzalez, Bryan Smith, Alan M. Clark, collaborations, imposter syndrome, the meteoric success of WELCOME TO THE SHOW, and much more. Plus, a Fifth Annual Scares That Care Charity Weekend wrap-up with a guest appearance by Kelli Owen.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
BRACKEN MACLEOD AND ERRICK NUNNALLY - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 179
Brian sits down for bourbon and a career-spanning interview with Bracken MacLeod and Errick “Danger” Nunnally about their influences, their start, their trials, and their friendship. Plus Brian Knight’s cat story!
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
The Six-Fingered Hand saga continues as Devil-Slayer returns and The Defenders face off against angels, the messiah, and a Giant-Sized Man-Thing! Plus, J.M. DeMatteis’s musical career, Christopher’s fondness for Kasey Kasem, and Hellcat (via Brian) flirts with Victor Lavalle…?
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Random UFO documentaries
CURRENTLY LISTENING: All the music of doom metal band Yob.
CURRENTLY READING: The Strange Case at Misty Ridge by David Brian
A reminder that if you are in or near Autin, texas, come see myself, Mary, Joe R. Lansdale, Kasey Lansdale, David J. Schow, Edward Lee, Lucy Taylor, Matt Shaw and many more August 24 – 26 at KillerCon Wingate by Wyndham Conference Center Round Rock, Texas.
Bring your books from home and I'll be happy to sign them. I'll also have books for sale. I'll also be on several panels, a judge for the Gross-Out Contest, and will be doing a reading (and unveiling some all-new material).
Also there, Wrath James White and I will be hosting the first ever Splatterpunk Awards. This is a historic occasion. If you can be there, do it. You won't regret it.
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
BRIAN KEENE RADIO - Broadcasting for free 24/7
I'll see you back here next week!