Letters From the Labyrinth 108

It's Sunday morning, coming down. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 108th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work.
Previous issues are archived here.
Thanks to all of you who made SILVERWOOD: THE DOOR a smash hit!
The response to episode 1 was amazing. Serial Box are pleased. I'm pleased. The rest of the creative team is pleased.
Episode 2 will go live later this week. If you missed episode 1, you can subscribe to the full season here.
If you already finished episode 1 and are anxiously awaiting episode 2, here's a new interview with me -- all about the creative process behind the series. There are also some great first reviews here and here.
Serial Box corporate called me one night this week, after the premiere, excited by all of the horror fans who were now using their platform. They key is, of course, to make sure we have other genre offering for them besides SILVERWOOD. To that end:
1. I'd remind you that EXQUISITE CORPSE with myself, Paul Tremblay, Nick Mamatas, Christopher Golden, Cassandra Khaw, Alyssa Wong, Richard Chizmar, Stephen Kozeniewski, the Sisters of Slaughter and Paul Cornell launches later this month. That one is completely free -- just a fun giveaway to celebrate Halloween and the success of SILVERWOOD. Click here for all the details.
2. Although I can't say much about it, behind the scenes, I've been talking with the folks at Serial Box about developing several more series. So yes... there's more horror to come.
Again, thanks to all of you for making this endeavor such a success!
My 10-year old is back to school, and already bringing home every virus the other kids have shared with him. Since my immune system is still wrecked from this summer's accident, that means each of those germs are treating me as a vacation paradise. I was sick a good part of this week, but I shoved through and worked on:
2. New untitled short story about Bloom (from THE SEVEN) fighting Kandara in West Virginia.
3. New short story called "Safe Space".
4. Collaborations with Bev Vincent, Wrath james White, and Bryan Smith.
This coming week will see my focus honed in on all of those things still, along with circling back around to Scares That Care.
Speaking of Scares That Care, fellow charity board member Alfred Guy asked me to let you know that registration for the 2019 5K and Kid's Fun Run is now open. Click here to register.
I have it on good authority that at least one celebrity guest will be running next year. And no, it is not me.
Several years ago, director Paul Campion (The Devil’s Rock, The Naughty List) filmed a teaser trailer to raise interest among investors for a film version of DARK HOLLOW (which is still in development). You can view that teaser trailer here.
The stone statue of Hylinus the satyr, which was used in the teaser trailer, is now up for auction in the UK, with all proceeds benefiting charity. Click here to bid. Carved from polystyrene, painted and dressed by Paul Campion, it stands 217cm high with horns and 188cm high without horns (the horns are detachable). The base is 88cm x 88cm. The tips of one long horn, two short horns and one ear are broken. The statue currently has the dead ivy from the trailer on it, which can be easily removed.
The statue is located in Bournemouth, United Kingdom. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSPORTING IT. It is light enough to be picked up and moved by one person, but you will need a small van or truck to transport.
All of the proceeds from this auction will benefit the Starlight Children’s Foundation, Scares That Care, and the Magic Wheelchair children’s charities.
This Week's Podcasts:
NATE SOUTHARD - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 188
In this long-awaited and heartfelt interview, Nate Southard (with special guest Wrath James White) opens up about anxiety, addiction, genre labels, going from comics to prose to filmmaking, collaboration and much more. Plus Brian discovers the E Spot…on a guitar, an exclusive on the new Weston Ochse novel, the FRIDAY THE 13TH court case gets a ruling, Joe Ripple resurrects Horrorfind, and Brian, Mary and Dave review MANDY.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
Valkyrie is dead. Long live Valkyrie! Christopher and Brian continue their examination of J.M. DeMatteis’s legendary run as the Defenders face life and death in a far flung dimension. Plus, an appreciation of Aw Yeah Comics and artist Franco Aureliani.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
Currently Reading: Bastion by Simon Clark
Currently Listening: The Highbury Working by Alan Moore and Tim Perkins
Currently Watching: Mandy and Beyond The Black Rainbow
Mary and I have now watched MANDY and BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW and both feel very confident that we will never need to watch another film by Panos Cosmatos again. I support him as a fellow creative, and I get why so many people dig his stuff, but his films are not for us.
Simon Clark's BASTION is very different from his usual novels -- more science fantasy than horror. I'm digging it.
Alan Moore and Tim Perkins's THE HIGHBURY WORKING is one of my favorite things to write to -- it is a musical piece, a long beat poem, and an actual occult ritual, all combined into one work of art. It was also the inspiration long ago for my own long out-of-print TALKING SMACK.

Remember the jeans jacket I had from 1985 when I was in High School? The one I posted a pic of here a few weeks ago?
Hannah Gonzalez, daughter of J.F. Gonzalez, asked me if she could have it when I died. I figured why make her wait that long. I've known Hannah since she was a little girl, and I've watched her become a remarkable young woman, and it delights me that my old battle armor will stay in the family.
Some days I still feel J.F. and other days I suspect he may have moved on by now. But seeing her in the jacket? That's a pretty good way to keep him close, as well.
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
BRIAN KEENE RADIO - Broadcasting for free 24/7
I'll see you back here next week!