[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter

I'm Brian Keene and this is the 111th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work.
Previous issues are archived here.
Mary is visiting family in New Jersey for two weeks, so I got lots of work done this past week. Indeed, the only time I took a break over the last seven days was twice to participate in Bethesda Games's FALLOUT 76 Beta test (my group consists of myself, my 10-year old, author Mehitobel Wilson, and our friend Melanie Candra).
The other break was Wednesday night's cub scout Halloween party, where we debuted WOLF PACK.
WOLF PACK is a short film my 10-year old co-wrote with me. It was directed by him (with help from Mike Lombardo) and stars all of his friends. The plot involves a bunch of cub scouts out hiking in the woods. One of them is bitten by a werewolf. Only the Scout Oath will revert him back to human, but then one of the counselors gets bitten by a were-squid and the whole thing starts all over again.
There is no doubt in my mind at this point -- he will be a creative when he grows up. I suspect he will be drawn to filmmaking, rather than writing. He has expressed an interest in it since he was four or five years old, and has grown up watching Lombardo make movies.
I've instilled in him that while pursuing the creative arts is a fine and noble goal, he needs to have a day job as a back-up plan.
So, he also wants to be a scientist or run a soup kitchen.
I'll be proud no matter what he picks.
WOLF PACK won't be shown online. It's not something for the public. It's just for us. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if you see another movie made by him some day.
I have added about 30 new videos to my YouTube Channel over the past two weeks. There's a ton of free content on there now. Please consider subscribing and watching at your leisure.
For example, the complete FAST ZOMBIES SUCK experience is now available for free on YouTube. Click the individual links below to experience it for yourself.
Part One: Brian Keene reading the original short story “Fast Zombies Suck”.
Part Two: The film adaptation of the short story.
Part Three: Q&A with Brian Keene and the other filmmakers after the FAST ZOMBIES SUCK premiere.
The fourth volume in the critically-acclaimed Chiral Mad series is on sale now in paperback and e-book. Every single story in this anthology is a collaboration — including my graphic collaboration with Daniele Serra.
Here's a sneak peek and me and Daniele's collaboration

SILVERWOOD: THE DOOR is the new series by showrunner and writer Brian Keene and writers Richard Chizmar, Stephen Kozeniewski, and the Sisters of Slaughter — available exclusively on Serial Box.
Episode 4 – ‘The Loop’ – by the Sisters of Slaughter is available now. Click here to start listening or reading the series.
The trees are alive with the sound of murder.
My friend -- rapper MJ Withers -- had a new album called THE RIDE come out this past week. THE RIDE is available on all music streaming platforms -- Spotify, iTunes, etc.
If you think there's nothing new or clever or dangerous in rap and hip-hop, MJ will unfuck that for you. Please consider giving him a listen.
This Week's Podcasts:
THE COMPLEX - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Episode 191
Brian Keene reveals the inspiration and secret origins of his novel THE COMPLEX, and just how close to home it cuts. Plus Dungeonmaster 77.1 reviews FALLOUT 76, and news on the buzz around Bartholomew Bennett’s THE PALE ONES, Sarah Samedi’s cancer fight, FRIDAY THE 13th’s latest reboot, and the NIGHT OF THE COMET remake.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
While Chris and Brian are on vacation, Scott Edelman presents a fascinating long-lost interview with writer Steve Gerber about his time on The Defenders, Man-Thing, and other Marvel comics.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
A reminder that my final signing of 2018 will take place Saturday, November 10th from noon to 4pm at F.Y.E. in the Park City Center, Lancaster PA 17601.
I will be joining director Mike Lombardo, stars Hope Bikle and Reeve Blazi, and the rest of the cast and crew of I’M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY. We will be signing copies of the DVD and Blu-Ray, which locals can pre-order now directly from the store.
(Pre-orders for the rest of the world will begin online November 1st).
A reminder that WHITE FIRE comes out next week from Deadite Press. Previously out of print and never before available as a stand-alone, this new edition of WHITE FIRE has been revised and expanded, and is considered the Author’s Preferred Version.
The paperback is available for pre-order now exclusively through Barnes & Noble (because Amazon can’t be arsed to fix the glitch on their site that makes it unavailable for pre-order). Click here to pre-order from B&N (and support the little guy).
From Grandmaster of Horror, Brian Keene, comes a pandemic tale of survival and terror. When a freak storm hits, time is the enemy as a government-created super virus gets loose and spreads through the quiet little town of Godfrey, Illinois. But the virus isn’t the only threat. There are mysterious forces at play and disease is just one instrument of fear.
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
BRIAN KEENE RADIO - Broadcasting for free 24/7
I'll see you back here next week!