[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 119

Hello again. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 119th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work.
Previous issues are archived here.
Quiet week here at Casa Keene. Mary is still in New Jersey and my youngest son spent the week with his mother. (she took a week's vacation so they could send some extra time together). But even though the house was quiet, life was not.
When I dropped my 10-year old off at his mother's on the morning of Christmas Eve, my plan was to come home and work all week. I'd intended to get caught up on things I'm very behind on.
But then I got a call that my oldest son and his mother and his half brother and half sister had been in a car accident and were at the emergency room in Maryland. I rushed there from Pennsylvania. Luckily, all four of them were okay, but when you see the condition of the car, that in itself seems a miracle. (I'll post a picture of it below).
Since it was Christmas Eve, we couldn't get their belongings out of the car, which had been towed to the junkyard, so my Wednesday was spent doing that, and hauling him around.
On Thursday, I got some writing done. Then, I stupidly took a break and decided to tackle painting the bathroom, which is something that has been on my To-Do list. While doing that, I discovered that what I'd thought had been the start of a very small mold growth was actually a mold creature that lived in the ceiling and could ostensibly take over the world.
So, I spent the rest of Thursday and all of Friday and half of yesterday donning a respirator and slaying the mold monster, and then painting. And then I spilled paint on the bathroom floor, so I get to deal with that still.
Today, I am currently texting back and forth with author Kelli Owen. Later, I am going to brunch with my youngest son and his mother. After that, it's back to painting.
Hopefully I will get some more writing done tomorrow.

Here's the car.
I did manage to get a lot of material posted to Patreon, however, including a new short story, a new chapter of SUBMERGED: The Labyrinth, Book 2, and a new writing advice essay (this month focusing on self-publishing). Click here to read them.
The high point of the week, as far as I am concerned, was the 200th episode of The Horror Show with Brian Keene, in which my 10-year old interviewed me.
I think it's one of the best interviews I've ever given.
TWO-HUNDRED - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 200
For two hundred episodes, Brian Keene has interviewed the biggest, best, and newest names in the horror genre. Now, it’s his turn to be interviewed, and Dungeonmaster 77.1 has the questions in this surprising, heartfelt, and revealing conversation between father and son. Plus, a sneak peek at what we have planned for the show in 2019, and the first details on next year’s charity telethon.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
Spider-Man and Gargoyle share a heartfelt and thoughtful meditation on life and death. Then, Luke Cage and the Son of Satan confront Satannish as we look at Marvel Team-Up issues 119 and 126.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
I won't be doing a Top Ten Books of the Year this year. I know that many of you look forward to that, so my apologies. I fear that any list I tried to compile this year would be hampered by the fact that I didn't read nearly as many new books this year. During my time in the burn ward, and time recovering at home, I re-read a lot of old favorites, and then stuck to that for the rest of the year. So...I am woefully behind on new releases.
CURRENTLY READING: God Hates Us All by Hank Moody (Jonathan Grotenstein)
CURRENTLY LISTENING: The playlist I made for author Wesley Southard's New Year's Eve party.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Bad Blood on Netflix.
I first met Kim Coates when Sons of Anarchy was at it's peak popularity. He's a sweet, kind man and has done a lot to support the Scares That Care charity. So, it's nice to see him land on a show like Bad Blood, post Sons of Anarchy, and it's even better to see him in the starring role. Easily the best thing I saw on television this year...and this year was full of amazing television.
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
BRIAN KEENE RADIO - Broadcasting for free 24/7
I'll see you back here next week!