[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 134

Hello. I'm Brian Keene, and this is the 134th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
I'm glad that I got the spring cleaning in my office finished, because I was up to my ears in work this past week. Writing and edits and emails and phone calls about writing and edits and emails and phone calls. One of those weeks where even if I had worked 24/7 I wouldn't have been caught up. All you can do in that situation is hang on tight, and pound the keys, and wait to come out the other side. And remind yourself that you are lucky enough to have a job doing what you love. And that it could be worse. You could be unemployed, or terminally ill, or unloved, or living in a feral cat colony.
My cat, Mad Max, was feral. He emerged from the swamp one day, a tiny ball of fur about 4 weeks old. He's been with me 13 years now, and he's one of the most loyal pets I've ever had accompany me.
I met Laurie Lehman at a book signing in Florida back in 2016. She reached out last week to tell me about her efforts to help a feral cat colony where she lives. The cats are being hunted and tortured by a bunch of sick assholes who shoot at them with bows, guns, etc. Laurie and her friends have been trapping and relocating the cats, finding them safe foster homes and getting them care from a local veterinarian. But those efforts cost money and so Laurie and her friends have set up a GoFundMe to help pay the vet costs, etc. I encourage all of you to contribute, if you can. There are almost 2,000 of you reading this. If each of you give one dollar. you'll help these animals. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
And thanks.
I posted a video of the hardcover and paperback editions of Темная Лощина (the Russian edition of DARK HOLLOW), which you can buy anywhere in the world via Amazon.
Click here to watch the video.
Russia’s DARKER webzine has a new, extensive interview with me about the book, and my plans for further Russian mass-market editions. You can read it by clicking here, but it’s in Russian. Probably worth your effort to have Google translate it for you, as I talk about some stuff I haven’t talked about in U.S. interviews yet.
Last week on my website, I reprinted an essay from TRIGGER WARNINGS, which you can buy for your Kindle for just $2.99 right here.
Because that was so well received, I decided to reprint another essay this week. This one first appeared in THE BATTLE ROYALE SLAM BOOK, an anthology of essays about the classic Japanese film, edited by Nick Mamatas which is currently available in paperback and for Kindle. My essay is ostensibly about the film — but what it’s really about is America’s ongoing gun debate. It was then reprinted in TRIGGER WARNINGS, and is now reprinted on my website again…because the gun debate is one we are still having.
Click here to read "Children Playing with Guns".
This Week's Podcasts:
RESURGENCE - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 216
As mass-market horror fiction seems poised for a comeback, Brian, Mary, Dave, Matt and special guest Kelli Owen discuss its viability in 2019. Plus the end of an era for Apex Magazine, and John Langan’s new book creates upheaval at Casa Keene.
Listen for free on YouTube – iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
At last, the secret of Moondragon is revealed. Can the Defenders survive it? Guest-starring Red Wolf, Odin, and…Mr. T?
.Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
I like the book better (I'm on record as calling it the greatest rock bio of all-time -- and it is). But the movie does a great job of capturing the book's spirit, and its most iconic scenes (including those infamous Ozzy Osbourne and David Lee Roth stories). Motley Crue may not be your thing, but they are definitely mine. They were a big part of the soundtrack of my teenage years, and the movie does a great job of capturing the era. Phenomenal acting by all involved, particularly Machine Gun Kelly's capture of Tommy Lee and Iwan Rheon (Ramsey Bolton on Game of Thrones) as Mick Mars. Highly recommended, and available on Netflix.
CURRENTLY LISTENING: Flagpole Sitta by Austin Hartley-Leonard
Haunting, evocative, and beautiful. Equally one of the best cover songs and best country songs I’ve heard in years. It takes an upbeat alt-rock anthem from the 90s and turns it into a goosebump-inducing sonic spell of heartbreak. A spiritual successor to Johhny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails "Hurt" and Willie Nelson's cover of Coldplay's "The Scientist".
CURRENTLY READING: Sefira & Other Betrayals by John Langan
As I said on the podcast last week, I rank John Langan up there with Tom Piccirilli as one of the best horror writers our generation has produced. This collection is no exception. Mary and I have been fighting over our sole copy all week, both vying to finish reading it first. She's featuring a story from it on tonight's episode of Cosmic Shenanigans.
We'll be hitting the road again soon. Mary will be at Mo*Con in Indianapolis from May 3rd to May 5th. This is a great convention for access to authors. It's deliberately small and intimate. If you're near Indianapolis, I encourage you to attend. Details here.
And I will be at StokerCon May 9th to May 12th at Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Monroe Avenue Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI. Details here. And here is my schedule:
Thursday, May 9:
5:00pm Panel: Rise of the Podcast People
Friday, May 10:
11:30am Librarians Day Presentation
2:15pm Panel: Podcasting 101
4:00pm Panel: When The Mission Goes FUBAR: Horror In The Military
5:00pm Signing
Saturday, May 11:
3:00pm Panel: When Your Life Becomes The Horror Story: Writing Through Personal Tragedy
4:00pm Reading
8:00pm Presenting Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement In A Graphic Novel
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
I'll see you back here next week!