[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 136

Hi. I'm Brian Keene, and this is the 136th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
This week got away from me, despite my best efforts.
My eleven-year old and his Boy Scout Troop went camping last weekend, but they got rained on and hailed on and then rained on some more. As a result, he woke up sick on Monday, and was home from school until Thursday morning. So that meant no writing. It also meant skipping recording on this week's episodes of The Horror Show and Defenders Dialogue.
He went back to school Thursday morning, but that free time was spent cleaning the house for company. That company was author Gary Frank, who got here Thursday night, and there was whiskey and pizza and talk of writing.
Gary and Mary left here Friday morning and drove to Indiana to attend Mo*Con. And it's my son's weekend with his mother. So that finally gave me a day to get some work done. I also worked yesterday (except for taking my son to see AVENGERS: ENDGAME), and will work more today.
Friday and yesterday were spent working on two things: final edits on CURSE OF THE BASTARDS and the final draft of a kaiju novelette called PAST THE END OF THE BOARDWALK, OUT WHERE THE WATER MEETS THE SKY. After I hit send on this, I'll finish putting Mark Sylva's edits into CURSE, and will then send it off to Thunderstorm Books editor Paul Goblirsch. Then I'll go back to the kaiju novelette, and later this afternoon, back to this collaboration with Bev Vincent.
Packing a week's worth of missed work into a weekend was easier at 20, 30 and 40 than it is 50. But the method remains the same at any age -- ass in chair, fingers on keyboard, repeat as necessary.
The Deadman’s Tome podcast did a 24 hour Livestream last weekend. I was a guest for part of that. You can watch/listen to the interview here. I talk THE FALL, slowing down, SUBURBAN GOTHIC, and more.
A reminder that I’ll be at Stokercon next Thursday to Sunday at Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Monroe Avenue Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI. Here is my schedule:
Thursday, May 9:
5:00pm Panel: Rise of the Podcast People
Friday, May 10:
11:30am Librarians Day Presentation
2:15pm Panel: Podcasting 101
4:00pm Panel: When The Mission Goes FUBAR: Horror In The Military
5:00pm Signing
Saturday, May 11:
3:00pm Panel: When Your Life Becomes The Horror Story: Writing Through Personal Tragedy
4:00pm Reading
8:00pm Presenting Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement In A Graphic Novel
People have asked if I'll have a limit to how many books I'll sign. Nope. Bring them all. And you don't have to wait for the signing, either. Find me in the bar, buy me a drink, and I'll sign them there so you don't have to cart them around to the signing.
Currently Watching: CALIFORNICATION
Currently Listening: PHYSICAL GRAFFITI - Led Zeppelin
Currently Reading: BATMAN: CAPTURED BY THE ENGINES by Joe R. Lansdale

Wesley Southard's new novel, ONE FOR THE ROAD, comes out from Deadite Press in a few months. If you are a reviewer, message him via Twitter and he'll send you a free review copy. Find him on Twitter @WesSouthard
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
I'll see you back here next week!