Letters From the Labyrinth 141

Hi there. I'm Brian Keene, and this is the 141st issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work.
Previous issues are archived here.
Today is Father's Day. Mary is up in New Jersey, visiting her father, whom I adore. I am sitting here writing and having some coffee. Later today my youngest son and his mother are taking me out to buy a bike -- which is my Father's Day present. Then we'll meet up with my older son and me and the boys will go visit my father.
I lived on my bike as a kid. I had a BMX Mongoose, and I rode that thing all over York County from the time I was 8 until I got my learner's permit at age 15. That bike was Burt Reynolds's black Trans-Am and it was the Millennium Falcon and it was a lot of other things. But what it was most of all was freedom.
I'd forgotten that feeling, that happiness, until last week. We got my youngest son a bike as a present for graduating elementary school. His mother and I gave it to him on a Friday morning. By Saturday morning, he had the basics down. By Saturday night, he was zipping along with no fear.
All this past week, he's been fused to that bike. When he comes to my house, the bike comes with him. When he's at her house, the bike is there. He's been riding it in our driveways and in the woods behind both our homes. He's been spending less time playing video games and more time outside, riding his bike.
So, when he suggested that me and his mother also get bikes so we could all ride together, and my ex-wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day, I smiled.
I'll be outside jumping over ramps and popping wheelies by the time you read this. I'm pretty sure I can still do that at 51...
My friend Christian Jensen is starring in a new low budget indie horror movie called BLOODY SUMMER CAMP. It's a love letter to the slasher movies of the Eighties. They are currently raising funds via Kickstarter, and are very, very, very close to goal. If you could contribute one dollar each, it would put them over. Click here for details.
This past Friday, I got parked in by a construction crew at my ex-wife's house. My youngest son was busy with his bike and Minecraft, and I didn't have my laptop or Moleskin notebook with me, so instead I spent several hours doing a Q&A on Twitter. It was a lot of fun and I answered a LOT of questions. Scroll through my timeline to see them.
As you know, my relaxation time these days involves playing Fallout 76 every evening. Friday night, I had something cool happen. I had just taken the Wade Airport workshop (my camp is just northwest of there) when I saw a level 6 player approaching. (I'm level 91). So, I did what I always do when I see a new player. I approached them and offered a gift of ammo and water and stimpaks. Well, when i spoke into the mic to explain, "Hey, here's some free stuff to help you on your journey" the player recognized my voice. Turns out he's a regular listener to my podcast and a long-time reader of my books. His first was DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN, which he purchased at Walmart back in the day. So, we teamed up and I showed him Whitesprings and a few other things.
Occasionally I get recognized in real life. Not often. I can count the times on two hands. Twice in an airport, once at the grocery store, but usually if I'm shopping in a bookstore or comic book store. But this was the first time I got recognized in a video game, so that was pretty cool.
During the Twitter Q&A I mentioned earlier, someone (I can't remember who) asked if I'd post a picture of my Fallout 76 camp. I'll do that next week (after I figure out how to transfer screen caps from the x-Box to my computer).
As of today, these titles are available as audiobooks:
Click here to purchase them via Audible, iTunes, and other platforms.
Here are the titles that are forthcoming as audiobooks later this year:
ALONE (read by Scott Weinberg)
SUNDANCING (read by me)
And possibly DEAD SEA, EARTHWORM GODS and EARTHWORM GODS II: DELUGE at the end of the year.
All of these will be released by Crossroads Press. In addition to the above, we may see audio adaptation of either RETURN TO THE LOST LEVEL or THRONE OF THE BASTARDS, but those titles are handled by Apex Publishing, and I have no direct information on when or if they are coming. As you know, Apex’s Jason Sizemore had some health issues earlier this year and is currently recovering, so please be patient, kind, and understanding.
A note regarding SUNDANCING. This book was originally published as a signed limited edition hardcover, with the caveat to customers that it would not be reprinted in hardcover, paperback, or ebook. I take such agreements seriously, which is why I’ve had quite lucrative success with the collectible market. There will never be another print edition of SUNDANCING for that reason. But an audiobook is a transformative work. It’s not a book. It’s a book being narrated by someone else — an audible experience, rather than a reading experience. For that reason, I’m comfortable releasing it in this format, so that a wider audience can enjoy it. If you own one of the hardcovers, don’t worry. You still have the only version that will ever be printed in any format. And for those who have lamented missing out on that, soon you’ll be able to finally enjoy it, as well.
The premiere and screening party of the new Joe R. Lansdale documentary ALL HAIL THE POPCORN KING taking place August 18th at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas is almost sold out. I'll be there and I'd be delighted if all of you could be, as well. I've got a discount code for subscribers to this newsletter. So when you order your tickets, use discount code AstroRegular for $10 off. Click here to get your tickets.
"Shedding Skin"
"Apologies in the Apocalypse"
"The Few, The Proud, The Readers"
"A Song Recommendation For Generation Z"
"On Rape in Horror Fiction and CASTAWAYS"
Wesley Southard, Gourmet - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 223
Author Wesley Southard returns to the show to discuss his new novel ONE FOR THE ROAD, meeting Zakk Wylde and Mastodon, his forthcoming collaboration with Somer Canon, and more. Plus the Barnes and Noble buy out, the fate of Swamp Thing, and Matt summons…Alex Jones?
Listen for free on YouTube – iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment– iHeartRadio – Stitcher
Defenders Dialogue - Ep 68
The Gargoyle has always been the heart of The Defenders, but how well do we really know Issac Christians? The answer might surprise you, as Christopher Golden and Brian Keene discuss 1985’s Gargoyle mini-series by J.M. DeMatteis and Mark Badger.
Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
I turned in my essay for the new dust jacket for Stephen King’s CELL. It is part of a series of collectible Stephen King dust jackets illustrated by artist Glenn Chadbourne and with essays by Scott Ian of Anthrax, critic Jack Haringa, author Jeff Strand, and others. The dust jackets are designed to fit on the original Scribner trade hardcover edition of the book. They are limited to 500 copies and cost $29.95. A portion of the profits will go toward the Haven Foundation — Tabitha and Stephen King’s charity for authors and artists in need. Click here to preorder.
I also turned in my essay on George Romero's LAND OF THE DEAD, which will be appearing in this week's Shudder newsletter (which is sent for free to subscribers to the channel)
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
I'll see you back here next week!