[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter 150

Hi. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 150th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
The newsletter is early this week. Normally you get them on Sunday morning. I'm sending it Saturday evening because I'll be doing a live, impromptu, charity fundraiser tomorrow.
The first annual Brian Keene Telethon, held in Baltimore in 2017, raised over $10,000 in 24 hours for the Scares That Care 501C3 charity.
The second annual Brian Keene Telethon, held in Pennsylvania in 2018, raised over $20,000 in 24 hours for the Scares That Care 501C3 charity.
We were supposed to have a third annual telethon in California earlier this year, but Dave Thomas — engineer and co-host of The Horror Show — had health problems which prevented his travel. As has since been revealed to the public, those health problems are in fact cancer-related.
So, earlier today, after reading an old 1978 Iron Man comic book and speaking via phone with Christopher Golden, I decided to do a telethon on my own. It’s happening tomorrow — Sunday, September 8th — and it will be live-streamed via my YouTube Channel. It will start at 8am, EST. It will go for however long my own health allows it to (but it will have to be over by 6pm on Monday, when I’m supposed to meet up with the visiting Joe R. Lansdale for dinner). I will be raising money for Dave, author James A. Moore, editor Jack Haringa, and comic book retailer Bill Wahl. (Click on their names to be taken directly to their individual GoFundMe pages).
So, again, the details:
WHEN: Sunday September 8th, beginning at 8am (EST)
WHERE: Live-streamed on my YouTube Channel
WHY: To raise money for two members of our community with cancer and one with complete renal failure.
HOW: Because I am Iron Man…
I'm not even kidding about the comic book. I first read it as a kid back in 1978. I found it yesterday in a comic shop, and re-read it this morning. And then I called Chris and told him my plan and he agreed that it was a fine plan, provided I didn't give myself a heart attack in the process (which is a very real possibility every time I do something like this).
While Chris and I were talking, Mary picked up the comic and flipped through it, and found this response to a reader on the letters page. Obviously, it must have made an impression on little me.

My centuries spanning HISTORY OF HORROR FICTION series returns to Cemetery Dance Online on September 20.
Get caught up for free here.
This Week's Podcasts:
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN & BLOODY SUMMER CAMP - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 234
Brian and Mary are joined by director Dave Kerr, producer Amber Fulcher and actor Christian Jensen for a production update on their new film BLOODY SUMMER CAMP. Then, the online conversation regarding Alex Acks and George R.R. Martin’s long-running Hugo Losers Party leads Brian, Mary, Dave, Matt and special guest John Urbancik to a discussion of fame, privilege and apologies.
Listen for free on YouTube – iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment– iHeartRadio – Stitcher
It’s the Battle of Los Angeles as Black Widow, Ghost Rider, Angel, iceman and Hercules face off against Darkstar, Titanium Man, Griffin and The Crimson Dynamo. Plus, Ivan’s darkest secret is revealed, as Christopher Golden and Brian Keene discuss The Champions issues 9 and 10.
.Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
Okay, seriously. Get some sleep and tune in to that Livestream tomorrow morning. It will be worth it.
That's it for this week. As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
I'll see you back here next week!