[Letters From the Labyrinth] Official Brian Keene Newsletter
Hello. My name is Brian Keene and this is the third issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly email newsletter for fans of my work.
Which means you are now most likely included on every government watch-list known to humankind.
My eight-year-old (known to listeners of my podcast as his on-air name of Dungeonmaster 77.1) starts third grade on Tuesday. We had Back-To-School night this past Thursday, in which all the kids and their parents go to the school and meet the new teacher and catch up with each other. I always enjoy that. I enjoy watching my son's face light up, and how animated and excited he becomes when he encounters friends whom he hasn't seen all summer long.
Kids talk to each other differently than they talk to adults. They interact differently, too. As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, one of the things I'm currently working on is a post-apocalyptic novella, SCHOOL'S OUT, told from the point of view of an eight-year-old. So this was all research for me. But also fun.
As a parent, I've always tried to instill the value of friendship in both my sons, because it's something I personally feel very strongly about. And while Dungeonmaster 77.1 reconnected with several friends whom he hadn't seen in three months, there are some other classmates who he sees all the time. He's known these kids since they were in daycare together, and I've known their parents since then, as well. We all hang out together, and it's a good group of friends -- the kids and their parents. A writer I know derisively refers to this group as "Keene and his soccer moms" but quite frankly, I think that writer is a little jealous. That writer makes the same mistake that many other writers make -- only having other writers in their social circle.
If you want to be mercenary and practical about it, writers draw inspiration from the people around them. If the only people you have in your life are other writers, then you're going to end up writing about writers all the time.
From a personal standpoint, I don't enjoy just hanging out with other writers. I mean, I enjoy it for a while, sure. But there comes a point where I get tired of talking shop and comparing notes on editors and publishers and gossiping about other folks in the industry. Fuck that noise. I need to talk to people about things other than writing. More importantly, I need to talk to people who don't view me as "Brian Keene - Grandmaster Award Winning Cult Writer" but as "Brian Keene - Dungeonmaster 77.1's Dad".
When I get together with the parents of my son's friends, we talk about our kids and world affairs and pop culture and craft ideas we saw on Pinterest. We don't talk about the latest HWA scandal or which publisher is screwing which author or how to boost our Kindle rankings.
I like my soccer moms. They keep me normal. Writers aren't normal. We are decidedly abnormal. It's good to have sane people around to keep you grounded and in touch with the real world.
A note to those of you who were planning on attending the Spokane Film and Literature Conference (where myself and Chuck Palahniuk were among the scheduled speakers). That event has apparently been cancelled. I'm told they'll be rescheduling it for next year. But I will be signing in Seattle this November, so if you live in Washington, don't worry.
If you live in Pennsylvania, I'm signing books later on today at Books A Million 5125 Jonestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17012. Other than that, I'm not leaving the house all weekend. Dungeonmaster 77.1 is at his mother's until Monday, and Mary is sequestered in New Jersey racing against a novel deadline, and I have been traveling all summer long, and what I really need is a weekend to myself where I just sit around in my underwear and write non-stop.
(There's the type of imagery that makes you grateful you signed up for this newsletter, huh?)

Many of you have been enjoying THE COMPLEX on audiobook, and have asked which one of my works will be adapted next, under this new deal with Crossroads Press. That will be decided this week. I'm leaning toward THE RISING: SELECTED SCENES FROM THE END OF THE WORLD and THE RISING: DELIVERANCE so that the entire series will then be available in audiobook. I'll announce it here next week. In the meantime, you can get THE COMPLEX in paperback, ebook, and audiobook by clicking here.
A reminder that the following stores -- all of whom do mail order -- have signed copies of PRESSURE. Some of them also have signed copies of THE COMPLEX. Quantities are limited. Please be polite when calling or emailing them.
Dark Delicacies Burbank, CA
Phone: 1-888-DARKDEL
Mysterious Galaxy San Diego, CA
Phone: 858-268-4747
The Poisoned Pen Scottsdale, AZ
Phone: 480-947-2974
Borderlands Books San Francisco, CA
Phone: 415-824-8203
Star Line Books Chattanooga, TN
Phone: 423-777-5629
Camelot Books Land O’ Lakes, FL
Phone: 813-932-7162
Barnes and Noble Oviedo, FL
Phone: 407-977-5500
The Book Tavern Augusta, GA
Phone: 706-826-1940
Rickert & Beagle Books Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412-344-7444
Currently Reading: OUT OF THE DARK by Robert W. Chambers
Currently Listening: AMERICAN III: SOLITARY MAN by Johnny Cash
Currently Watching: MR. ROBOT Season 2
"I don't like country music," is what people who have never listened to Johnny Cash's American recordings (with Rick Rubin) say before they hear them. Then I sit them down and make them listen, and they say, "This isn't country music." Actually, it is. This is what country music can sound like -- not that over-produced pop shit they play on the radio today, but the sound of a man's soul breaking.
There isn't a more honest, bare bones, sincere, and moving set of recordings in American music -- be they country, rock, metal, folk, rap, etc -- than the six albums and one box set Johnny Cash recorded with Rick Rubin. They are pure magic, pure art, and AMERICAN III: SOLITARY MAN is a constant go-to for me.

Eighties nostalgia in horror is hot again, thanks to STRANGER THINGS. How do I know this? Sales of my novel GHOUL have bumped up again.
If you enjoyed GHOUL and STRANGER THINGS then you will absolutely love JEDI SUMMER WITH THE MAGNETIC KID by John Boden. I read it last week in one sitting. Could not put it down. It moved me more than any novel in recent memory. Highly, highly, highly recommended, and I'm almost certain it will be one of the ten best books I'll read this year. Available in paperback and ebook right here.
Mark my words -- John Boden is a writer you're going to want to read so that five years from now, when everyone is raving about him, you can say, "Oh, I've been reading him for years."
If you're still here from last week, thanks for not unsubscribing. Take care of yourself, and I'll see you again next week, universe willing. Also, please note, the best way to reach me is still Twitter, rather than replying to this email. My inbox currently has 1,782 unread messages.