Letters From the Labyrinth 167

Hey there. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 167th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
I only use Reddit to participate in the Fallout 76 community (where I've made some fine non-writer friends), but last week a reader pointed out to me that there was a Brian Keene sub-reddit, and that the person who had set it up back in 2016 was no longer on Reddit, and the page was just sitting there. So I put in a request with Reddit to allow me to take it over, and they did.
I do this with all social media platforms, whether I use them or not. For example, I will never in a million years use Tumblr or Gab, but I took five minutes to register my name and account on each of those platforms simply so nobody else could squat on my real estate. The last thing any public figure wants is for someone else to grab their name online, and use it for nefarious purposes.
That's not what was happening with Reddit, of course. Whoever set it up did so with the best of intentions. But between then and now that person's account disappeared, and the sub is just sitting there, abandoned. So, I simply assumed control of it, and hopefully that will allow it to flourish.
Check it out here.
TERMINAL was the second novel I ever sold and published. It was a crime novel with a supernatural twist that came out a year after THE RISING. It was published in paperback and ebook by Random House. Although many readers list it as one of their favorites or (in their opinion) one of my best, the book was a commercial failure. Luckily, CITY OF THE DEAD came out around the same time and sold well.
Random House made me change a lot of things in the final version of TERMINAL, and for nearly twenty years, those changes have sat here in my office, unseen by anyone. That's because Random House has controlled the rights to the novel for all this time.
I'm happy to announce that those rights are finally returning, and that there will be a new version of TERMINAL published later in 2020. Much like I did with THE RISING, it will be re-released as an Author's Preferred Edition and will include all of the original material that I was forced to cut.
I know it seems like I've been swamping you with new releases lately. I've had seven different things come out over the last two months. That's hard for me to keep track of, and I imagine it's doubly difficult for you. So, I made you this handy list of all new releases.
We're more than halfway finished bringing all of J.F. Gonzalez's work back into print, and insuring that future generations can enjoy it and that his daughter will benefit from it for years to come.
You know, of course, that the CLICKERS series is being rebooted, with all-new authors involved. Here is an update on what comes next.
2020 will see UP JUMPED THE DEVIL published in paperback and ebook for the first time anywhere. This is the last full book Jesus completed before his death. 2020 will also see paperback and ebook reprints of SHAPESHIFTER, VOYEUR and THE SUMMONING. We will also be working to begin releasing audiobook adaptations of all his works.
Late 2020 will see the first of a two-volume non-fiction collection, spanning his 1990's columns in AFRAID up through his final columns for LAMPLIGHT.
2021 will see the release of THE CROSSROADS -- Jesus's most personal novel. He was working on it when he died. Gabino Iglesias is completing it, based on both Jesus's notes and their shared cultural experience. 2021 will also see the release of his remaining short stories -- which will include reprinting those that are currently out of print, as well as collecting all that remains uncollected.
2022 will see the release of FINAL RETREAT, another novel he was working on when he died. It will be completed by me. 2022 will also see the release of novels Jesus wrote under a pseudonym.
At that point, everything will be back in print and available to the masses.
That's it for this week. As always, a few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff. I'll be posting a bunch of stuff there today and tomorrow, in fact.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each and every day.
I'll see you back here next week!