[Letters From the Labyrinth] Brian Keene 176

I'm Brian Keene and this is the 176th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
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I'd hoped this week to share either some movie or comic book news, because there's a bunch of wheeling and dealing going on behind the scenes. Unfortunately, I can't share any of it, either because of non-disclosure agreements or because contracts haven't been signed yet.
I can tell you a little bit about the feature length film adaptation of THE CAGE, in that I can tell you it's in pre-production (casting), and it will be directed by Paul Campion, and that if all goes well, it should start shooting in New Zealand in just a few months.
I can tell you that there's been recent movement on two other film adaptations and a certain comic book property, but that's all I can say about them, and in truth, any or all three of them could evaporate tomorrow, stillborn.
This writing gig remains a very strange way to make a living.
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Because I couldn't share any of the things going on behind the scenes, I shared a different surprise announcement this week. In case you missed it, here is what I wrote on my Blog, 'Old Man Yells At The Cloud':
As you know, SUBURBAN GOTHIC is a sequel to one of my most popular non-zombie novels, URBAN GOTHIC.
I’ve been working on it for a long time. URBAN GOTHIC was about how abandoned, crumbling buildings impact our cities. SUBURBAN GOTHIC is about how abandoned, crumbling shopping malls impact our suburbs. I wrote some of the novel, and then I stalled. That’s because the older I get, the more trouble I have getting into the headspace required to write extreme horror. And let’s face it, given how extreme URBAN GOTHIC was, the sequel had to top that.
Luckily, Bryan Smith has no problem still getting into that headspace. And since he’s a fan of the original book, and since he had some good ideas about the characters and setting, about a year ago, I asked him if he’d like to take a stab at finishing the novel for me. And so he did. He’s been working on it for the last year, in-between other projects. Soon he’ll send it back to me and I’ll work on it again, melding everything together. And then i’ll send it back to him and see what he thinks. And then we’ll both probably polish up some stuff, and further meld our words together.
And then we’ll let you read it.
Bryan and I collaborate very differently than J.F. Gonzalez and I did, but I’ll be honest — me asking him if he wanted to take a stab at SUBURBAN GOTHIC because I was struggling with it gives me flashbacks to J.F. asking me if I wanted to help him with CLICKERS II because he was struggling. Something beautiful came out of that, and something beautiful will come out of this.
For those who have been asking about the status of F**KED — the previously announced collaboration between Bryan and myself — that’s still in the works. But it was put aside so that we could do this first.
My intent was to surprise everyone with this news, but fuck it. I know Bryan is anxious for folks to know about the “ghost writing” gig he’s been hinting at. And I’m sitting on several pretty big news items that I’m not allowed to share because of NDAs or the fact that contracts haven’t been signed yet, and I needed something to talk about here. So…SURPRISE!
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This newsletter goes out to thousands of people for free, but I have to pay to have it produced and sent. If you fancy buying me a coffee or a beer, click this link. No pressure, and no biggie if you don't want to. I'm happy you're here, regardless.
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You may recall that I recently took possession of the sub-Reddit for discussion of my work, as it had been sitting abandoned without a moderator for some time. I write in END OF THE ROAD about how my generation of writers were the first to have the Internet, back when it was all shiny and new (and much smaller than it is today). Social media didn't exist back then, and we communicated primarily through message boards, email newsletters, and chat rooms. I find it sentimentally pleasing that here, in the early days of the autumn of my career, I've returned to email newsletters and message boards. And guess what I figured out this week? The Reddit has a chat room! I suspect you'll be able to find me there on occasion, if you are there at the right time.
Here's the link the the Reddit board. Come join us. It's a small group, but we're having fun.
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I wrote on Twitter last night that if you work in entertainment long enough, it's as easy to become numb to accolades and praise as it is to bad reviews or criticism. But I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, and deeply moved by the response (so far) to END OF THE ROAD. The praise and excitement from readers and peers alike has been both humbling and gratifying. I'm glad folks are getting their copies, and I'm glad they are enjoying them.
I stopped by Cemetery Dance's offices earlier this week to drop off some signature sheets for another project. While I was there, Dan and I went back in the warehouse, and I got a look at how many copies are left in stock...
What's that? Who's Dan? Well, Dan is one of the essential folks behind the scenes at Cemetery Dance. I sometimes suspect people think Cemetery Dance is still that DIY small press being run out of Richard Chizmar's dorm room, but it's not. It occupies a large office and warehouse in an industrial park and employees a bunch of people. They even have a helicopter pad.
Anyway, Dan and I went into the warehouse and checked the stock. The print run was 750. There are a little less than 100 of them left. Witness...

If this newsletter is working correctly, you should be seeing two pictures that I took in the warehouse. Some boxes of END OF THE ROAD on a wooden pallet (also called a skid, depending on where you live) and some more copies on a shelf (along with copies of John Urbancik's bonus chapbook).
Help free up that skid/pallet and get yourself a copy HERE.
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This Week's Podcasts:
Love In The Time Of Coronavirus - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 255
Brian, Mary, Matt and Kelli discuss a major decision regarding the show, how coronavirus fears are impacting the genre, and pick their winners for the 2019 Bram Stoker Awards!
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment– iHeartRadio – Stitcher - YouTube
Defenders Dialogue - Ep 92
What's more terrifying than a six-story tall Godzilla? How about a six-inch tall Godzilla? The Fantastic Four guest star as Christopher Golden and Brian Keene recap Marvel's Godzilla issues 18 through 20.
Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Project Entertainment – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
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The Horror Show with Brian Keene started out on the Project iRadio Network. During our second year, we became part of the Project Entertainment Network.
Beginning April 1, (in the midst of our sixth year on the air) The Horror Show with Brian Keene will become the flagship podcast for the new Brian Keene Radio Network, which will also include Defenders Dialogue, Cosmic Shenanigans, and Grindcast, as well as a few forthcoming surprises (a return of Buttercup of Doom, perhaps…?)
Listeners will not be impacted by this change. You’ll still be able to hear episodes of each podcast for free via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, Google Play Music, and all other platforms. You’ll also be able to hear them for free on a new 24/7 live-streaming venture (a rebooted and revamped Brian Keene Radio) beginning in April. Old shows will still be accessible, as well. You may notice some changes to the structure of each show — new theme music, new title cards, advertising presented in a different way — but otherwise, it’s business as usual.
The one thing that will change is advertising. Beginning April 1, advertisers can sponsor individual podcasts or take advantage of network-wide savings. Advertising inquiries for any date after April 1 should be sent to thegrindedword @ gmail.com. All other queries should be sent to briankeene @ live.com. If you would like to advertise before April 1, please contact Armand at the Project Entertainment Network.
I would like to personally thank Shelly and Armand Rosamilia of the Project Entertainment Network for the mutual support over the last five years, and a wonderful partnership. I’d also like to thank Thomas Clark who has engineered Defenders Dialogue since its inception. I sincerely look forward to continuing to support all three of them as a listener, as a peer, and as a friend, and I hope that you will continue to support them and their great line-up, as well. They are great people.
I also look forward to this new venture, and hope will, too.
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Matt Wildasin just saw his workload increase three-fold. Not only will he continue to host Grindcast, and co-hosting The Horror Show with Brian Keene, but he'll now be engineering both of those podcasts as well as Defenders Dialogue and Cosmic Shenanigans.
It is also Matt's birthday this weekend.
Matt puts up with a lot from me. I can be a very demanding boss. And as I said, it's his birthday, so consider supporting him by buying his new book.
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I'd also like to plug INVISIBLE THREADS, a speculative fiction anthology about overcoming the insidious social, cultural, and economic threads that hold us back. It's edited by my friends Lesley Conner and Jason Sizemore, and features stories from my friends Maurice Broaddus, Chesya Burke, Damien Angelica Walters, and many more. The Kickstarter has 11 days left, and they need your help to make the goal. Check it out here.
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Mary, Kelli Owen and myself were supposed to leave for New York City today for business. We were going to come back home Tuesday. But both Kelli and I were advised to avoid travel if at all possible, given that we both have people in our families with auto-immune disorders or at high risk for Covid-19 complications.
So, we cancelled the trip. I'm not risking my family member's lives, and Kelli ain't risking hers, either. (Mary has no high risk people in her family, but should she catch it, and transfer it to Kelli or I, then we could still pass it on).
Now, for those insisting "This is fake news. The flu is more dangerous" stop and consider this. This coronavirus is absolutely going to have a devastating financial impact on the global economy. It already is. A full-blown recession is a given, in the coming months. So, even if you aren't concerned about the potential health impact, and even if you think you're immune, you are not immune to being broke, or your readers being broke.
These are scary times.
Make sure the people you care about know that you care about them. If you're an author, make sure your literary estate is in order. This is shit you should do anyway, but if you haven't, make sure you do it now, this week.
Things are about to get worse.
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John Urbancik is supposed to be here at some point next week. he's coming to collect his cat, which Mary and I have been taking care of for the last half-year. It is not lost on me that he could bring the virus with him...
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That's it for this week. As always, a few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each week.
I'll see you back here next week!