[Letters From the Labyrinth] Brian Keene Newsletter 177

Hi gang. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 177th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
This is going to be a short, abbreviated newsletter this week. there are two reasons for that. One, I'm knee deep in some deadlines. Two, I've already written several newsletters-worth of non-fiction this week, which you can find on my Blog.
Most of the movie stuff I've been hinting about that was going on behind the scenes went sideways this past week, as a direct result of COVID-19 and it's impact on the industry. But things are still cooking with the adaptation of THE CAGE, so let's all cross our fingers and hope the virus doesn't cross New Zealand's borders.
Speaking of COVID-19... I mentioned the Blog above. I've begun a daily diary there, called, appropriately enough THE CORONAVIRUS DIARIES. It's free to read, and I hope you'll go there when you're finished here.
All of my signings for March and April have been cancelled. Details are on my website.
There are a few bots of good news, though.
Brian Keene’s History of Horror Fiction is a monthly column I write for Cemetery Dance. The ninth installment is now available and tells the tale of the Brothers Grimm. Click here to read it.
There’s a new interview with me on Dread Media in which I discuss my latest book END OF THE ROAD, podcasting, THOR: METAL GODS, the legacy of J.F. Gonzalez and more. Click here to listen for free.
And on this week's episode of The Horror Show with Brian Keene, first-time novelists Mary Hart, Michelle Renee Lane, Sheri Sebastian-Gabriel, Tony Tremblay, and J. Edwin Buja share the joys and terrors of writing, publishing, and promoting their first novels. Then Mary, Matt and Kelli and myself discuss the origins of our first books, as well. Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Project Entertainment– iHeartRadio – Stitcher - YouTube
So, yeah. that's it for this week. I apologize. I know these are always much longer, but as I said, there's several newsletter's worth of new essays and thoughts on my Blog. I've got two days to finish up a top secret project and since we're looking at economic uncertainty for the rest of the year, the paying gigs have to come first.
I'll see you back here next week for something meatier and more the normal length. Do check out the Blog, though. I think you'll dig it.