[Letters From the Labyrinth] Brian Keene 182

Hey. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 182nd issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
I think everyone had a great time at CoronaCon yesterday. I read a story, did a Q&A, and did a panel with Jonathan Janz, Stephen Kozeniewski, and Shane D. Keene (no relation). Kelli Owen put together a fantastic line-up of authors and did a masterful job of putting everything together, and transitioning between events and readings and panels. If you missed it, all 12 hours are archived here.
Seeing everybody together again really made me miss my friends, though. We're heading into the heart of convention and signing season now. This weekend, I would have been writing this from the Scares That Care event in Racine, Wisconsin, and you might have been reading it at StokerCon in the U.K.. Instead, I'm writing it at home and you're reading it at home. All the places I'd planned to see you this summer -- Necon, San Diego Comic Con, etc. have been postponed until next year. And I suspect that the few conventions that have yet to cancel will almost certainly postpone until next year in the months to come.
I'm not down with the push to reopen everything. I think that's Darwinism at its most absolute. But I do miss my friends, and chatting with my readers, and I hope this virtual convention is just the first of many.
I also realized yesterday that I miss doing readings, so I think I'll do another one later this week. I'll probably do it live via Brian Keene Radio, and then post the video on YouTube. I'll announce the date and time on Twitter, so keep an eye out there.
Speaking of YouTube, Germany's Creepy Creatures has produced a new German-language documentary about me. Click here to view it.
Also on YouTube is some Behind-The-Scenes footage from my segments in the Joe R. Lansdale documentary, All Hail The Popcorn King. Click here to watch.

"Not Alone" is a brand new zombie short story by me, set in the worlds of my novels DEAD SEA and ENTOMBED. It is 100% free and available in either digital or audio exclusively from Serial Box. Click here to start reading or listening now.
The omnibus collection of my creator-owned comic book series, THE LAST ZOMBIE, is back in print and in stock from publisher Antarctic Press. Click here to purchase. This omnibus edition collects every single issue of the comic book series, encompassing over 25 issues in all.
What’s the series about? “Dr. Ian Scott has spent two years in a Colorado bunker, working on a cure for a zombie virus that devastated the U.S. Just shy of perfecting his vaccine, he loses contact with the West Virginia bunker housing his fiance, Jen. Now he and a small band of soldiers and scientists must cross what's left of the country, surviving wild animals, natural disasters, desperate humans, and the ever-looming threat of a resurgent zombie outbreak.”
This Week's Podcasts:
Michael Cisco - The Horror Show with Brian Keene - Ep 261
Award-winning author Michael Cisco joins Brian to discuss surrealism, life in New York City during the pandemic, his new novella, and much more. Plus news on how the global crisis is impacting Macmillan Publishing and Valancourt Books, Matt Wildasin's new podcast, and Kelli Owen's virtual convention.
Listen for free on iTunes – Spotify – Libsyn – iHeartRadio – Stitcher - YouTube
Defenders Dialogue - Ep 97
Doctor Doom embarks on a quest for personal growth while Namor seeks revenge against the killer of his Golden Age girlfriend. Christopher Golden and Brian Keene recap Marvel's Super-Villain Team-Up issues 1 through 3.
Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Libsyn – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
A reminder that I've been updating my Blog almost daily, documenting life in isolation. This past week also included guest entries from Gabino Iglesias, Autumn Christian, and Ronald Kelly.
Here is the cover to the Russian language mass market paperback edition of THE RISING, available later this month from Poltergeist Press.
That's it for this week. As always, a few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, two serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each week.
I'll see you back here next week!