Letters From the Labyrinth 189 - Brian Keene

Howdy. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 189th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
This was one of the most productive weeks I've had in a very long time. I can only credit the Patreon. This posting content daily thing has me on my toes and thinking ahead and planning and scheduling better. If you're a supporter, then you've seen the results this week -- a new short story, multiple chapters of SUBMERGED: THE LABYRINTH Book 2, several glimpses Behind-the-Scenes, and A FIELD GUIDE TO THE THIRTEEN in its entirety.
That's right.
In 2008, Infernal House published a signed, limited edition hardcover (only 26 copies) of A FIELD GUIDE TO THE THIRTEEN by myself and Mark Sylva. This book was pocket-sized and designed to look like something a Black Lodge agent or perhaps Levi Stoltzfus would have in their back pocket at all times.
Since there were only 26 copies ever produced, it has become quite the collectible, and one of my most valuable titles on the secondary market. As a result, one of the most persistent questions I get from readers is, "Are you ever going to release it in another form?" Well, releasing it in paperback, e-book or audiobook aren't possible. Part of the reason is because when it was sold to customers, it was with the understanding that there would be no other paperback or hardcover editions. And adapting this for audiobook just wouldn't work.
However, there's nothing stopping me from posting the manuscript for it here on Patreon, and thus, I posted it to Patreon.
This week I also completed a Patreon Index. Every single short story, serialized novel chapter, novella, essay, behind the scenes, and appendix I’ve ever posted to Patreon is now accessible through this specially categorized Patreon Index. It will make finding and reading content far easier, particularly with the switch to daily postings. You can access the index in the menu bar at the top of this page, or by clicking here.
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I am very pleased to announce that actor Mark Meer has been nominated for a Sterling Award in the category of Outstanding Fringe Comedy Performance for his role in FEAR AND LOATHING AND LOVECRAFT, which is based on the novel THE DAMNED HIGHWAY by myself and Nick Mamatas. He absolutely deserves it.
And when the world returns to normal, look for the show to hit the road again!
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Kit Power’s Exploring the Labyrinth is a regular column at Gingernuts of Horror in which Kit reads all of my books in order and then writing about them.
This month, he turns his attention to JACK’S MAGIC BEANS. Click here to read it.
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One of my favorite writers among this new generation of horror and bizarro authors (a.k.a. “The Kids” as we like to call them) is John Wayne Comunale. Any time I’m doing a public reading at a convention, and John Wayne is there, I share my reading slot with him. That’s because he has the same sort of energy and storytelling style that I know readers of my work enjoy.
In addition to being an author and musician, John Wayne is also a podcaster. I was very happy to appear on his latest episode. You can hear a free 15-minute excerpt of my interview here. If you’d like to hear the full interview, you can do so by supporting him on Patreon.
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This week, I also appeared on the 666th episode of Dread Media to discuss my favorite portrayals of Satan. Click here to listen.
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The world's horror writers and their readers (that includes me and you) have banded together to support the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Philip Fracassi has organized this fundraiser on their behalf. I hope that you'll consider donating five bucks if you have the means.
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Mary and I are continuing to move into our new office spaces. I hope to be finished in a few more weeks. (We have to hold off on doing much more until after the workers finish remodeling the bathroom, which has been completely gutted).
Here are a few pics.

So, what are you looking at?
In the first picture, those are the movie posters for THE TIES THAT BIND, I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY, and GHOUL, the original artwork for Mike Hawthrone's variant cover for THE LAST ZOMBIE: BEFORE THE AFTER #1, and a splash page by Steve Wands from our forthcoming graphic novel, THE FALLEN.
The middle picture are two original paintings by Alex McVey. The upper one was the cover to TEQUILA'S SUNRISE. The bottom one was for the Farewell (But Not Really) Tour.
The last pic includes Gak's illustrations for my short stories "Gratefully Dead" and "Full of It", TM Arensburg's illustartion for "Under Her Black Wings" by myself and Regina Garza-Mitchell, and a Chris Enterline CLICKERS adaptation that...can I convince a publisher, will act as the cover to a CLICKERS comic book series at some point.
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On The Horror Show with Brian Keene this week, we had an exclusive, never before heard 2005 interview between Brian and author, podcaster and disc jockey Mark Justice. Plus Mary, Matt, Dave, Kelli and I discussed editor Andrea Dawn, and the return of Nickolaus Pacione.
Meanwhile, over on Defenders Dialogue, Chris Golden and I talked politics instead of comic books, and how the two tie together.
Both shows are available via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, YouTube, and Brian Keene Radio.
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Okay, that's it for this week. Gotta get back to work -- both writing and setting up the new offices. See you back here next week. Be good to each other, please.