Letters From the Labyrinth 204 - Brian Keene

Hi. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 204th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. The previous issues are archived here.
Joe Ortlieb is a long-time fan whom I’ve signed many books for at many signings over the years. He and his family (wife, four kids, and a dog) were left homeless after a fire two months ago. They are currently living in a motel, but his entire paycheck goes toward paying for that, and they need to raise $4,000 for the first month’s rent and security deposit on an apartment. I have donated, as has the Scares That Care charity. But we’ll need the help of other Brian Keene fans to get them to the target amount. Click here to donate, and please help if you have the means. As of this writing, they are only $1,143 from the goal.
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Several times a year, I post an update on projects and what stage they are in. Here is where some projects stand as of October 3, 2020:
NEMESAI (with John Urbancik): The signed hardcover is at the printer, and forthcoming from Thunderstorm Books. A paperback and digital edition will follow some time next year.
DISSONANT HARMONIES (with Bev Vincent): A two novella collection. My novella is the previously discussed “The Motel At the End of the World”. The signed hardcover is in production, and forthcoming from Cemetery Dance. A paperback and digital edition will follow some time next year.
STORIES FOR THE NEXT PANDEMIC: New short story collection, that will be released in hardcover and trade paperback — both as exclusive limited editions — next spring. There will be no other editions published. Currently in production but can’t say who the publisher is.
THE SEVEN: THE LABYRINTH Book 1: Signed hardcover is in the early stages of production. Forthcoming next year from Thunderstorm Books. A paperback, digital, and audiobook edition will follow some time in late-2021. The entire first draft can be read in its entirety on Patreon.
SUBURBAN GOTHIC (with Bryan Smith): Signed hardcover of this sequel to URBAN GOTHIC and THE FREAKSHOW is in the early stages of production. Forthcoming from Thunderstorm Books at either the end of this year or the very beginning of next year. Trade paperback and digital edition will follow from Deadite Press some time next year.
THE COMPLETE SHORT FICTION OF BRIAN KEENE Volume 4: In the early stages of production. As this volume is intended to collect all of my media tie-in work (Doctor Who, The X-Files, Aliens, Hellboy, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Edward Lee’s Infernal, etc.) this one will take a while longer, as securing those rights takes time. Look for release tentatively next Spring.
THE FALLEN: Graphic novel about vampires and the American Civil War, written by me and drawn by Steve Wands. Currently in production at Cemetery Dance.
INVISIBLE MONSTERS: The next Levi novel, and the project I am now working on daily since the completion of SUBURBAN GOTHIC. Target completion is December of this year.
SUBMERGED: THE LABYRINTH Book 2: The first draft is currently being serialized on Patreon. Other editions will follow.
BENEATH THE LOST LEVEL: The first draft is currently being serialized on Patreon. Other editions will follow.
DEAD AIR: The next main focus after completion of INVISIBLE MONSTERS.
THE LAST STAND: Straight Western novel currently in progress, and the main focus after completion of DEAD AIR.
THE FALL: The final book in THE RISING series. Currently in progress. I may end up serializing the first draft on Patreon. Not sure yet.
UNTITLED NOVELLA: This will be for Deaths Head Press.
UNTITLED KAIJU NOVELLA: This is for Haverhill House Publishing.
TOP SECRET PROJECT - CODENAME CASTLE: In progress. I can say no more.
TOP SECRET PROJECT - CODENAME MUD: In progress. I can say no more.
FUCKED (with Bryan Smith): Currently on hiatus until we free up some room on our schedules (he’s busy with a collaboration with another author and I’m busy with INVISIBLE MONSTERS and DEAD AIR). Will circle back around to it next year.
ESCALATION OF FORCE (with Wrath James White): Wrath is currently working on it.
THE DRIVE-IN: MULTIPLEX: Anthology I’m editing with Joe R. Lansdale and Christopher Golden. Currently in the process of working with the contributors.
And then there are various other things in the works — stories, comic books, J.F. Gonzalez’s books, reprints (such as the Hail Saten books) and works for other media. And there are also other projects that are currently on the backburner or in stages that do not warrant mention here.
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On this past week's Defenders Dialogue, Christopher Golden and I discussed a seminal story by Steve Gerber and Mike Ploog -- Night of the Laughing Dead from Marvel's Man-Thing issues 5 and 6. Listen for free via YouTube – Libsyn – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
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Air Studio has nine The Horror Show with Brian Keene balloon packs remaining. When they're gone, they're gone, so get yours now. Click here.
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That's it for this week. I'm feeling under the weather. It's not COVID-19. The regular flu and colds and hay fever all still exist, and I'm 99.9999999999% certain it's one of the latter two, but regardless, I'm not up for a long newsletter this week.
As always, a few reminders:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, three serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff EVERY SINGLE DAY.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each week.
I'll see you back here next week!