Letters From the Labyrinth - Brian Keene 206

And so we meet again. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 206th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. The previous issues are archived here.
Last week saw the re-release of J.F. Gonzalez's formerly out of print collection, WHEN THE DARKNESS FALLS. You can now get in in paperback and Kindle here.
This coming week should see the re-release of another of his formerly out of print collections, OLD GHOSTS AND OTHER REVENANTS, which will also be in paperback and Kindle.
And in prepping those files for publication, it occurred to me that we're running out of J.F. Gonzalez books. I still have re-releases of CONVERSION, SHAPESHIFTER and THE SUMMONING forthcoming, as well as a re-release of VOYEUR (which he wrote under the pseudonym Angel Garcia). And there are two never before published non-fiction collections, one more short story collection, and two final never before published novels -- THE CROSSROADS which Gabino Iglesias is finishing for him, and FINAL RETREAT, which I am finishing for him.
And that will be it.
Now, there are other things I could publish. There's a half dozen unfinished trunk novels, but they are unfinished because Jesus didn't want to publish them. There are a few things here that he wrote with Mike Baker and Mark Williams, but in both of those cases, we're unsure who has the rights to their literary estates, so I can't publish them. And there's also his erotica stuff, which he wrote under another pseudonym (and no, I won't tell you that pseudonym, because Jesus made me promise that I wouldn't. Suffice to say, some of the erotica is in print, and it is not under the Angel Garcia pseudonym or the Gilbert Schloss pseudonym).
Bottom line, we're running out of stuff. And that breaks my heart. I mean, I'm so damned happy that we got everything back into print, and that we can finish the stuff that his death left unfinished, but I'm still incredibly sad. There aren't a lot of video or audio interviews with Jesus, and I miss his voice. I guess these last few years, overseeing these reprints and new releases, it felt like we were keeping his voice alive. And I guess we are, at that.
I guess I'm just growing aware that sooner rather than later, there won't be anything else new for that voice to say, and I'd dearly love to hear it one more time.
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Speaking of friends, a few plugs for friends of mine.
Weston Ochse has a new paperback out called PETS DURING WARTIME. Details here.
Matt Wildasin has just released HORRORS UNTOLD 3 in paperback here.
Michael Bailey's The Impossible Weight of Life is out in hardcover and paperback and ebook, here.
And Borderlands Press has the signed limited edition box set of F. Paul Wilson's Adversary Cycle on sale for fifty percent off! Yes, you read that right. the entire box set is 50% off. I own this box set. It really is one of the finest collectible book sets I've ever seen, and one of the crown jewels of me and Mary's personal library. If you ever wanted to invest in a signed limited, this is the one to do it with. Check it out here.
Also, if you are a fan of F. Paul's series, or want to know more about it, Erik Smith has a pretty cool overview series of videos here.
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Next Saturday, October 24th we'll be livestreaming another Scares That Care fundraiser on my YouTube page. Guests will include Joe R. Lansdale, David J. Schow, John Skipp, V Castro, Wrath James White, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Dakota Lawrence, and many, many, many more. Starts at 5pm EST and runs until midnight. Subscribe to my page so you don't miss it!
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A few weeks ago, the horror community helped out Joe and his family, who had ended up homeless due to a fire.
This week, we are helping out Elizabeth, and keeping her and her cat from ending up homeless due to illness and the loss of her job. I donated and I encourage you to do so, as well, if you have the means. Even just $10 will make a difference. Click here for details.
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As discussed here, I will be donating my Poltergeist Press royalties to R.A.I.N.N., and as stated in that link, each time I do, I will give a public accounting. My royalties for this quarter were $108.54. My donation was $100 (because the website wouldn't let me put in $108.54).
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BLUDGEON TOOLS is a new Splatterpunk anthology featuring stories from myself, Matt Shaw, Wrath James White, Kristopher Triana, Christine Morgan, Dustin LaValley, Stephen Kozeniewski, Wile E. Young
and many more. You can pre-order the Kindle edition here.
MIDNIGHT IN THE PENTAGRAM is a new anthology featuring stories by Graham Masterton, Owl Goingback, James Newman, and many, MANY more. It also contains my story “Babylon Falling.” It is available right now in paperback and for Kindle. Click here to get your copy.

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I was a guest on The Claw’s Corner. It’s a lengthy, career-spanning interview. You can watch it in its entirety here.
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This week on DEFENDERS DIALOGUE, it's the final battle between the Man-Thing and F.A. Schist, with the fate of the Fountain of Youth hanging in the balance, as Christopher Golden and I recount Marvel's The Man-Thing issues 7 and 8.
Listen for free on iTunes – YouTube – Libsyn – iHeartRadio – Stitcher
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Busy work week. Each morning, I worked on PROJECT CASTLE. Each afternoon I worked on INVISIBLE MONSTERS and daily Patreon content.
And yes. Yes, I've seen everyone's guesses as to what PROJECT CASTLE is. I've seen your replies to my teases on Twitter, and I've seen your replies when Stephen King, Richard Chizmar and Bev Vincent re-Tweeted those teases, but gang...I can't tell you what it is. I mean, there's a lot there, in the teases. But I can't say anything else. So thanks for understanding. Suffice to say, you'll have to wait.
But you won't have to wait long.
And it is going to blow your mind...
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That's it for this week. As always, a few reminders:
Next Saturday, October 24th we'll be livestreaming another Scares That Care fundraiser on my YouTube page. Guests will include Joe R. Lansdale, David J. Schow, John Skipp, V Castro, Wrath James White, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Dakota Lawrence, and many, many, many more. Starts at 5pm EST and runs until midnight. Subscribe to my page so you don't miss it!
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, three serialized ongoing novels, and behind-the-scenes stuff EVERY SINGLE DAY.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
YOUTUBE - Where I'm posting free stuff each week.
I'll see you back here next week!