Letters From the Labyrinth 238 - Brian Keene

Hi. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 238th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
The signed, limited edition hardcover of THE SEVEN: THE LABYRINTH Book 1 went up for pre-order this morning. You can click here to reserve your copy.
We expect the book to ship in late-July. Paperback and e-book editions will follow later this year, in time for the holiday shopping season. Audiobook will follow next year.
It's not hyperbole to say that this might be the most important book of my career -- at least as far as fiction goes. It's also fair to say that this is not a book for readers who are brand-new to my work. This novel is the culmination of a shared continuity spanning 50 books and over 20+ years of writing. For new fans, reading this now would be the equivalent of watching Avengers: Endgame without ever having seen another Marvel film.
So yeah, you'll want at least a passing familiarity with my main works in order to fully enjoy this one. You don't need to have read everything. Just the basics.
Regardless, I sincerely hope that folks will enjoy it. I think they will.I mean, it's got Ob, Nodens, Kandara, Frankie from THE RISING series, Teddy from EARTHWORM GODS, Tony from the CLICKERS series, Ochse from PRESSURE, The Exit, DARK HOLLOW's Nelson LeHorn, zombies, terrorists, angels, the fate of Chalco from TEQUILA'S SUNRISE, a trip to Baghdad, a return to the particle accelerator where THE RISING started, and a whole lot more. There's a lot going on in this book.
And there is a lot more to come, as well.
But make no mistake about it... in all seriousness, this is the beginning of the end.
One more time, here's the link to pre-order.

Busy week here at Casa Keene, and a busy day today, as well, so I'm going to forgo the usual lengthy recap of what I've been up to, and instead, simply bring your attention to a few other things that are going on.
Item 1: There's been a lot of controversy in the horror genre over the last two weeks. I posted my thoughts to Twitter and it went insanely viral. If you want to know what I actually said, versus what people may be telling you I said, the entire thread is archived right here for easy reading.
Item 2: Here’s a new interview with me at Cemetery Dance, conducted by Rick Hipson, in which I talk about WITH TEETH, The Labyrinth mythos, and much more. Click here to read it.
Item 3: Lifetime Subscriber Update - All signed copies of WITH TEETH and THE DAMNED HIGHWAY were shipped to Arizona for fulfillment, however, one of those boxes — the one with the personalized copies — has gone missing, and there is no word from the Post Office on its whereabouts. So… those who prefer flat-signed copies are safe. Those who prefer personalized copies will have to wait while I reorder and resign their books.
All copies of SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL are signed and will be shipped to Arizona for fulfillment this week. Copies of END OF THE ROAD, NEMESAI and DISSONANT HARMONIES will follow end of the month.
So, ultimately, you should probably expect multiple shipments over the next few months, rather than one large shipment. We apologize for the inconvenience. You are no doubt familiar with the disarray that has overtaken the U.S. Post Office since Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was appointed on June 15, 2020. Hopefully things will return to normal soon.
Item 4: If you're a horror fan looking to celebrate Pride Month, I encourage you to check out the 'Make Horror Gay AF' merchandise from Horror Oasis. They've got some very cool hoodies, t-shirts, buttons and more. Click here to peruse the selections. All proceeds benefit Trans Lifeline.
And that's it for this week. Like I said, it's been dizzyingly busy. Next week, we'll get back to normal and I'll grumble at you lengthily for thirty minutes.
Take care.
-- Brian Keene