Letters From the Labyrinth 244 - Brian Keene

Howdy. I'm Brian Keene and this is the 244th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
I'm in the midst of prepping for next weekend's 7th annual Scares That Care Charity Weekend, and typing this on Saturday evening, so this is going to be a relatively short newsletter. There probably will not be a newsletter next Sunday, as the event will be taking place at that time.
If you are attending, or think you might decide this week to attend, here is the programming schedule for the authors. (The actors and other groups have different schedules).
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Paperback and ebook editions of SUBURBAN GOTHIC *should* go on sale next week. They aren't up for pre-order yet, but here's the link on Amazon. When it goes live, you'll see that change from "Currently Unavailable".
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I had the pleasure of appearing on David Agranoff’s Postcards From A Dying World podcast. In this lengthy interview, we talked about my career in whole, the factors that led me to end The Horror Show with Brian Keene, WITH TEETH, the “real” me, END OF THE ROAD, and much more. You can listen for free via Apple or watch for free on YouTube.
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If you have been enjoying ISLAND OF THE DEAD, please consider leaving a review!
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On last week's DEFENDERS DIALOGUE, it was all about He Who Remains and The Tomorrow War! First, Iron Man and Spider-Man face off against Kang the Conqueror. Then, the thing is back for round two against The Thing and Thor. Chris and I discuss the ninth issues of Marvel Team-Up and Marvel Two-In-One, plus Loki, Black Widow, and... Grizzly Adams? Free wherever you listen to podcasts, and also right here.
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Last Week's Work Report:
Sunday: Worked on THE DRIVE-IN: MULTIPLEX and J.F. Gonzalez's estate.
Monday: Worked on THE DRIVE-IN: MULTIPLEX and Scares That Care stuff.
Tuesday and Wednesday: Worked on INVISIBLE MONSTERS, ISLAND OF THE DEAD, PROJECT CASTLE, and Scares That Care stuff.
Thursday: Took a day off. My 13-year old and I visited with Mike Lombardo (whom my son considers a second older brother and whom I consider my third son). My youngest is definitely leaning toward being a filmmaker and he's old enough now that he is really curious about specifics and technique. It was a treat to hear the two of them talk making movies. Also got to hear a bit more about Mike's next film. Thursday evening I worked on Scares That Care stuff.
Friday: Woke up with what I suspect was a pinched nerve in my back. The pain was bad enough that I was nauseous throughout most of the day. Worked on INVISIBLE MONSTERS and Scares That Care stuff, but did so half-assed.
By Friday night, I had enough painkillers in me that it was surmountable, so I did a late night marathon and wrote until around midnight.
Saturday: Pain was gone. Worked on Scares That Care stuff and this newsletter. Also worked on INVISIBLE MONSTERS. Totalled about 10,000 words for the day, total. It's Saturday night now, and I think I'll keep going.
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And that's it. Like I said, short newsletter this week. July/August are always, always my busiest months as a writer. Thanks for hanging in there. i appreciate you.
-- Brian