[Letters From the Labyrinth] Brian Keene Newsletter 3/19
Hi. My name is Brian Keene and this is Letters From the Labyrinth. If you're a new subscriber, previous issues are archived here.
Had a great time at the Scares That Care Charity Shrimp Feast in Baltimore last night. We raised $4,061.64 for this year's families. (You can read more about our charity recipients at this link).
Here's a pic of me, STC volunteers Alicia Roden and Anna Williams Kozak, and STC Board of Directors member Alfred Guy at the event.

The signed limited edition hardcover will go up for pre-order next month from Thunderstorm Books. It will ship soon after that.
Paperback and ebook editions will go on sale this Fall from Apex Book Company.
ALIENS: BUG HUNT will be available next month in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle.
I have a story in it called “Empty Nest”. It also includes stories by a number of other amazing horror and science fiction writers. It is edited by Jonathan Maberry.

THE NAUGHTY LIST continues to sweep the globe! It is now an Austin Comedy Short Film Festival Official Selection, and an Official Selection at The Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Film Festival in Seattle!
If you haven't yet watched THE NAUGHTY LIST, you can view it for free here..
Ron Davis, who runs the Brian Keene Fan Group on Facebook, says they're almost at 300 members. Join them.
(I'm not a member because I want readers to have a place where they can talk about me free of me looming over their shoulders. Thanks to Ron for running it).
Twitter user Venes presents this hilarious mash-up of BREAKING BAD and my battle with a blizzard from a few years ago.
Movies I Watched Over The Last Two Weeks That I Highly Recommend:
1. Logan (currently in theaters)
2. Kong: Skull Island (currently in theaters)
3. Get Out (currently in theaters)
4. Land Mine Goes Click (currently on Amazon Prime)
5. Train to Busan (currently on Amazon Prime)
6. Savageland (currently on Amazon Prime)
7. The Gateway - also released as Curtain (currently on Amazon Prime)
That's it for this week. My youngest son turns nine today, so we're gonna go celebrate that.
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
Take care.