Good morning. I’m Brian Keene and this is the 355th issue of Letters From the Labyrinth — a weekly newsletter for fans, friends, and family.
This week’s issue is going to be a quickie. Mary and I spent the last two days signing at barnes and Noble in Richmond, Virginia, and got home late last night. Thanks to Tiffany and James for organizing and running the event, and to Wesley Southard and Stephen Kozeniewski for driving, and to all of you who showed up and stopped by.
Here are a few pics.

The most exciting news to come out of the signing for me personally? R.J. Joseph is writing a nonfiction book on Black Folk Horror — something I’ve been wishing for for a few years now.
We got home late last night, and will be leaving again here in a few hours to sign books at Lovedraft’s Brewing Company in Mechanicsburg, PA. We’ll be there from noon to 4pm this afternoon. This is the last signing of the year, so please do stop by if you are able.
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Esquire has a great article by Neil McRobert about this past year’s StokerCon. You can read it here. The last part of it is all about the party I threw on Saturday night/Sunday morning, and might legitimately be one of the nicest things anyone has ever written about me. Thanks, Neil!
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A new issue of JOBS IN HELL — my market report for horror writers, artists, and poets — went out this past week. You can subscribe here.
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A reminder that the signed limited edition of SPLINTERED: THE LABYRINTH Book 3 will be available for preorder from Thunderstorm Books next week on November 12th. It will cost $110. We expect them to go fast, so make sure you're signed up to get updates from Thunderstorm Books via their website.
It is my hope that paperback and eBook editions of the novel should also be on sale in time for the December holidays (as were the first two volumes in the series). However, I’m not going to rush production, so it’s possible we may creep into January 2024 for the actual release date. too early to say yet.
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Currently Playing: Clash of Clans
Currently Listening: “Now and Then” by the Beatles
Currently Watching: Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 (Hulu), Survivor season 45 (Paramount Plus), Family Guy season 22 (Hulu), and South Park: Joining the Panderverse (Paramount Plus)
Currently Reading: The Devil Thinks I’m Pretty by Charlene Elsby and Cold, Black & Infinite by Todd Keisling
Absolutely loved the new South Park. Thought they did a great job of satirizing the Disney method of not having a writer’s room and the sometimes well-intentioned but hamfisted attempts at diversity by mega-corporations, but what I enjoyed more was the subplot with Randy and the other college professionals who no longer have jobs thanks to AI and a quickly changing world.
The new Beatles song is lovely and made me cry. I’m glad they did it, and don’t have the time or patience to argue with others about it. If you didn’t enjoy it, that’s fine. Let other people enjoy things.
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The two big surprises this year were THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT: TALES OF STEPHEN KING’S THE STAND edited by myself and Christopher Golden and THE HOUSE OF LAST RESORT WEEKEND. If you missed those, scroll back through old issues of this newsletter or go to my website.
I have two more surprises for the end of the year. One of them, which I’m calling OPERATION SOFT STEP (Joe and keith lansdale know why) should be revealed this week, I believe?
The other, which is something Mary and I might do, isn’t quite yet a done deal, so no codename for it. I’ll know Monday if it’s going to happen for sure. If so, I’ll tell you about it here next week.
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And that does it for this week. Thanks, as always, for reading. I appreciate all of you, and I’ll see you back here next week.
Now and Then made me cry too, awesome video and song.
This was a really fun event and I'm glad you're not sick of seeing me lol 🐉