Vortex Books & Comics operations went into full-time this past week. Evenings were spent grading comic books, pulps, and magazines like Twilight Zone, Iniquities, Fangoria, Cemetery Dance, Deathrealm, etc. Once graded, I bagged, boarded, and priced them. Days were spent with Mary putting shelves together and me anchoring them to the walls. Joe Ripple and I moved an entire 1970s bar, complete with 1970s barstools and other accessories, into the space.
Today (Saturday) my 16-year old and I will join Mike Lombardo, Stephen Kozeniewski, Somer Canon, and her son to help Wesley and Katie Southard move into their new home. Afterward, my son is going home with Somer and her son for the weekend, while I move the Hylinus satyr statue and some other big items over to the store. Sunday (when you’re reading this) Mary, my father, and myself will be at the store. the two of them will (hopefully) finish shelf construction and I will (hopefully) get them all anchored.
Our target date for opening was the first week of March, but if things continue at this pace, I may — may — be able to do a soft opening in February. One of my advisors, Bill Wahl of Comix Connection, is urging me to do just that. As he says, “Start-ups burn through money fast. You need to open ASAP and stop the bleeding.” And he’s right about that. Mary and I sunk most of our savings — mid five figures — into this endeavor. And that is gone, along with a good chunk of the GoFundMe donations. A cushion of three grand would provide breathing room, so yes, if you haven’t yet donated, or you;d like to donate again, I’m not above asking. Know that it is appreciated and you have our gratitude. Click here to donate.
Despite the heavy workload, I still managed to get writing done — worked on the first draft of FALLING ANGELS: THE LABYRINTH Book 4, the second draft of MONSTERS OF SAIPAN, the third draft of INVISIBLE MONSTERS, finished edits for the paperback edition of ISLAND OF THE DEAD, turned in the manuscript for LOVE AND HATE IN THE TIME OF COVID, made notes toward an Introduction for Mehitobel Wilson’s new book, and continued verifying Splatterpunk Award recommendations.
The way I did this was write until noon and then go work on Vortex.
Much of this coming week will be spent in New England for Christopher Golden’s HOUSE OF LAST RESORT WEEKEND. Details here. The main focus for me will be Splatterpunk Award recommendation verifications. I’d like to have those done by the time Mary and I arrive home next Sunday, so that we can announce the ballot and the judges can start reading.
There will probably not be a newsletter next week. I recommend you check out John Skipp’s newsletter instead, which is always an exhilarating read, particularly if you’re any kind of artist or creator.
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Was sad to hear the news that David Skal died as the results of an automobile accident. I didn’t know him well, but our paths crossed many times, and we once did a signing together at Dark Delicacies back in the day. He was always very nice to me, and super supportive.
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Lots of folks asking about AuthorCon III and IV updates.
There are a few more guests to announce for III (Williamsburg). We’ll have them up on the site by the end of the month. The programming wchedule will be posted end of February. At that point, we will then begin announcing guests for IV (St. Louis).
Information on both events can be found here (select event from the drop down menu at the top).
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Currently Watching: Fargo (Hulu)
Currently Reading: The Shaft by David J. Schow (a re-read)
Currently Listening: “Loser” by Beck
Finished my re-watch of Lost. It broke me all over again. Balled my eyes out. We'll probably never see something like it again in our lifetime. It has now moved up to the number two slot on my all time favorite TV shows. That list, revised, is as follows:
1. The Sopranos
2. Lost
3. Californication
4. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul*
5. The Office (US)
6. South Park
7. The Shield
8. Seinfeld
9. WKRP In Cincinnati
10. The Wire
11. Family Guy
12. The Last Kingdom
13. The X-Files/Millennium/Lone Gunmen**
14. Home Movies
15. Hello Ladies
16. Twin Peaks
17. Hill Street Blues
18. Curb Your Enthusiasm
19. Fargo***
20. Land of the Lost
* Counts as one overall series
** Counts as one overall series
*** Based on the first five seasons
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No snow here in Central PA, but lots of rain during the week, and the river has risen over my dock and is full of debris. I suspect we’ll be dealing with flooding by Sunday night. But in solidarity with the rest of you in the US who are currently buried under snow, here’s a picture of Mary and I at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Picture taken by Tod Clark or Mark Sylva.
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And that does it for this week. I’ve got to shower, get dressed, pick my kid up, and then go supervise everyone else putting Wes’s boxes and furniture in the truck. (I am 56 and have earned the right to just drive the truck while younger people do all the heavy lifting). Thanks again for any support you can put toward Vortex. I appreciate it, and you. Will see you back here in two weeks.
— Brian Keene
Excited to hear that the shop is rolling right along!
WKRP forever! I had no idea turkeys couldn't fly. That dad ascot bandana from LOTL was terrifying. Congratulations on your store. I'm so excited.