Good morning. My name is Brian Keene and this is Letters From The Labyrinth, a weekly newsletter for fans, friends, and family. As you are reading this, Cassandra and I are taking our son up north to tour one of the Little Ivies. Because yes, that little guy who Hail Saten readers knew as “Turtle” and who The Horror Show with Brian Keene listeners knew as “Dungeonmaster 77.1” is now old enough to begin considering colleges. That just doesn’t seem possible, but here we are.
His mom was out west on business this past week, so I stayed at their house with him and babysat the dog and cats while Mary got a week to herself at our house. On Tuesday night, my older son came over to visit, and the three of us watched Godzilla Minus One together. It was a nice evening -- just me and my boys.
But yes, as you read this, we are on our way to a Little Ivy that he's got his heart set on. We'll tour the campus and find out what he needs to do -- and how much we need to spend -- to get him there. He'll be studying writing, which is not something I ever had an opportunity to do.
Although I never went to college (unless you count a semester and a half at community college -- "I had a semester and a half of community college," said Tony Soprano, "so I understand Freud as a concept." -- both of my sons are lucky enough to go. My oldest graduated from Penn State a few years ago, and now works helping mentally disabled adults. And now my youngest is driving and checking out colleges.
Neither of them are little kids anymore. And the thing I'm most proud of in life, more than anything I've done as a writer or anything else -- the thing I'm most proud of -- is the two young men they've turned into. Both are leagues better men than I have ever been, and they make me proud every day.
I do miss having little ones running around though, and am always grateful when Wesley Southard or Matt Wildasin stop by the store with their little ones. We play "Run Around The Bookshelves" and Wes’s son and I race Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars down the wheelchair ramp every time he's in.
And that's fun no matter what age you are.
As of the time I’m writing this (Saturday afternoon) DEAD FORMAT is now 78% funded, with two weeks left to go. We are so very close, but that just makes it more nerve-wracking for Mike, Samantha, Nathan, and myself. If you haven’t yet contributed, this is the time. If you’ve already contributed but want to up your pledge or add another perk, this is also the time. Tell your friends, family members, and complete strangers in line at the bank about this movie, and encourage them to contribute, as well. Full details and contributions here.
Had a great time at StokerCon last weekend. Got some business accomplished. Got to hang out with friends. Got some more business accomplished. Flew out Saturday morning and caught a red-eye home Sunday night. gave the internet a good laugh with this exchange:
Here are a few more pics. I can’t remember who took some of these (including that one of me on stage above) so if it was you, please comment below so I can make the correct attribution.
Bunch more pics over on my Instagram if you’re interested.
Work Updates:
ISLAND OF THE DEAD is now available to reviewers on NetGalley. The paperback and Kindle are up for preorder here.
Stephen King has been reading THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT and Tweeting about it throughout this past week. Chris and I are still very limited in what we can say, but here are a few snippets of things that have leaked that I can confirm: 1. Many of the stories are set outside of the United States, and one of those stories is set in outer space, and two of those stories aren’t set in the world of The Stand at all. 2. You’re probably looking at a trade release next summer. 3. Yes, the Wayne Brady.
Deep into edits on BENEATH THE LOST LEVEL this past week, so that I can get it off to prereaders. I didn’t care for the first draft, but am digging this second draft much better.
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Currently Watching: Godzilla Minus One (Netflix)
Currently Reading: City Fishing by Steve Rasnic Tem (re-read), Jane Goes North by Joe R. Lansdale, and Hell’s Angels by Hunter S. Thompson (re-read)
Currently Listening: Brian Keene Radio
Godzilla Minus One is, quite simply, the greatest kaiju film ever made. Full stop. It’s an actual horror movie.
For Pride Month, I'd like to recommend Jane Goes North. It's difficult to talk about why I’m recommending it without getting into heavy spoilers, but if you're looking for a quirky dark crime/dark comedy with a positive LGBTQ+ message, this new Lansdale short novel is your huckleberry.
* * *
And that does it for this week. Thanks, as always, for reading. I’ll see you back here again next Sunday. And please consider donating to DEAD FORMAT if you haven’t. Every dollar helps.
— Brian Keene
Just requested Island from Netgalley!! Here’s hoping. Thanks for the heads up. Love your newsletter, as usual!
Saw Hunter Thompson give a lecture in Boston. He came out drinking from a whisky bottle. Ignored the panel on stage and spoke directly to the audience. I was not disappointed.