Since its initial announcement, the number one thing all of you have been clamoring for is the details on THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT: TALES FROM STEPHEN KING’S THE STAND, edited by myself and Christopher Golden.
Your wait is almost over.
Next Sunday, right here in this very newsletter, we will reveal the cover, the line-up, the table of contents, pre-order information, and everything else. So, if you are not yet subscribed to this newsletter, you might ant to take a moment and take care of that.
Good morning. My name is Brian Keene and this is Letters From The Labyrinth, a long-running weekly newsletter for fans, friends, and family. Often all three of those things at once.
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This is going to be a very short newsletter, because I’m typing it Saturday in between customers at the store. It’s been a very busy but very fun weekend. Had a bunch of folks in town this weekend for a signing. Laurel Hightower and Todd and Erica Keisling are staying in a little cabin about 1/4 from our home. Red Lagoe, Jonathan Lees, and Kevin Kangas are at nearby hotels. Hailey Piper and her partner and Kenneth Cain and his wife both did the round trip day drive. The signing went very well, but I’m running on less sleep than normal. I picked Laurel up from the airport Thursday night, and we didn’t get in till after midnight. On Friday night, we had dinner with her, the Lagoes, the Keislings, and John Urbancik, and then all headed back to Casa Keenegiovanni, where we collectively worked our way through several bottles of bourbon as well as a bottle of gin, a bottle of ouzo, and a bottle of nonalcoholic wine. And tonight (Saturday) I suspect there will be a repeat of that.
But there are a few little things I want to remind you about.
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Next weekend (the same weekend that the anxiously awaited STAND news drops) I’ll be in St. Louis. By popular demand, Scares That Care are bringing AuthorCon to the Midwest. But since you demanded, that means if you live in the Midwest, then you need to show and prove. Here’s the location, hotel, tickets, and programming schedule. See you there!
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We had a great first week of sales on both LOVE AND HATE IN THE TIME OF COVID and the new audiobook adaptation of EARTHWORM GODS III: SELECTED SCENES FROM THE END OF THE WORLD. Here are some handy links:
Signed Paperback: Vortex Books
Paperback: Amazon
eBook: Kindle - Nook - Kobo - Apple
Via Audible and Apple
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The FRAGILE anthology is now available in paperback and eBook. I have a brand-new story in this one, alongside a bunch of other awesome and talented horror and bizarro authors. Available right here.
Cool cover, right?
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Currently Listening: Brian Keene Radio.
Currently Reading: Crossed volumes 7, 8, and 9 by various, The Waste Lands by Stephen King, and The Better To Eat You With by Wesley Southard.
Currently Watching: Lilyhammer season 2 (Netflix), Survivor season 47 (Paramount Plus), and Tulsa King season 2 (Paramount Plus)
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And that does it for this week. Like I said, short and sweet. Thanks, as always, for reading. Be kind to each other and tell the people you love that you love them. I’ll see you back here again next Sunday as we return to the world of THE STAND together!
— Brian Keene
It sounds like you had a great time this weekend! That Sunday night sleep shall heal all wounds.
Can't wait til next Sunday! We met you at Bucket of Blood Books in Chicago and I think my wife has been wanting to leave me since. We can only get to St Louis for the last day, hopefully it will be a fun experience.