Letters From the Labyrinth 88

I'm Brian Keene and this is Letters From the Labyrinth -- a weekly newsletter for fans of my work. Previous issues are archived here.
The Second Annual The Horror Show with Brian Keene 24-hour telethon begins streaming for free worldwide next Friday May 11 at noon (EST) via the Project Entertainment Network's YouTube channel.
THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE TELETHON (but remember, not until next Friday).
We are asking horror fans and professionals to help us raise $20,000 for the Scares That Care 501c3 charity. This year, Scares That Care is helping:
SAWYER - an 8-year old girl who loves Minecraft, kitty cats, swimming and mermaids, and is on her second relapse of Anaplastic Ependymoma.
BRIAN - a little boy who was burned in a household accident).
HOPE - a Navy veteran and a single mother of two who is battling Stage IV breast cancer).
During the telethon, you will be able to donate via text message, Facebook, the Scares That Care website, or via the mail. Even donating a dollar will help. Our goal is $20,000 in 24 hours. If the 200,000 people who listened to the podcast last year would each contribute one dollar, we'd raise $200,000 in 24 hours.
Guests appearing on the telethon include Jeff Strand, Richard Chizmar, Chet Williamson, Lynne Hansen, John Urbancik, Dan Padavona, national recording artists Discipline Theory, Kelli Owen, Armand Rosamilia, Christian Jensen, The Drew and Lu Show, Robert Ford, Scott Edelman, Stephen Kozeniewski, Jay Wilburn, Frank Edler, Chuck Buda, Necrocasticon's Tom Clark, Somer Canon, and dozens more.
If you have a question for one of our guests during the telethon, you can let us know on Twitter via the #BrianKeeneTelethon hashtag.
And of course, myself, Dave Thomas, Mary SanGiovanni, Mike Lombardo, Phoebe, and all your other Horror Show favorites will be appearing.
Also, don't forget, the official reveal for THE DOOR will take place during the telethon. Specifically, it will take place at 7pm (EST).
So, please... listen in at your leisure and donate if you can.

I’M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY — the feature length post-apocalyptic horror film written and directed by Mike Lombardo and Executive Produced by me — continues to dominate the film festival circuit, earning accolades, awards, and nominations along the way.
This week, we are proud to announce that WHITE DOOMSDAY is nominated for Best Feature Film, Best Screenplay, and Mike is nominated for Best Director at the Crimson Scream Film Festival.
“My name is Brian Keene. I’m a writer by trade and a road warrior by heart. Neither of these things are wise career or life choices. The tolls add up. Over the last twenty years, things have changed. Book tours have changed, publishing has changed, bookselling has changed, conventions have changed, horror fiction—and the horror genre—have changed. I’ve changed, too. The only things that haven’t changed are writing and the road. They stay the same. The words we type today are the past tomorrow. Everything is connected like the highways on a map are connected. This holds true for the history of our genre, as well. I rode into town twenty years ago. Now I’m riding out. You’re all coming with me…”
So begins Brian Keene’s END OF THE ROAD—a memoir, travelogue, and post-Danse Macabre examination of modern horror fiction, the people who write it, and the world they live—and die—in. Exhilarating, emotional, heartfelt, and at times hilarious, END OF THE ROAD is a must-read for fans of the horror genre. Introduction by Gabino Iglesias.
Published as a Signed Hardcover Limited Edition:
• Limited to just 750 signed and hand-numbered copies
• Personally signed by the author on a unique signature page
• Retail price just $40!
• Printed on 60# acid-free paper
• Bound in full-cloth with colored head and tail bands
• Featuring hot foil stamping on the front boards and spine
• Printed and bound with full-color endpapers
• Smyth sewn to create a more durable binding
• Wrapped in a full-color dust jacket
• Limited ONE TIME printing of this special edition
• No other editions planned at this time!
Every copy of this book purchased on CemeteryDance.com will include a FREE special bonus Limited Edition chapbook, On the Road with Brian Keene by John Urbancik. Just reserve End of the Road via this page and we’ll automatically send you the chapbook with your order!
And a reminder that CLICKERS FOREVER: A TRIBUTE TO J.F. GONZALEZis now available in paperback and Kindle!
All proceeds benefit the family of J.F. Gonzalez
That's it for this week. I know this one was short, but the telethon and THE DOOR are taking up all my time this week.
As always:
PATREON - Where I post new short stories, writing advice essays, a serialized ongoing novel, and behind-the-scenes stuff.
TWITTER - The only social media outlet I still use regularly.
See you back here next week.