Awesome news. I signed up!

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I've been wondering : when you reference the "open rate" is that for people opening the email, or clicking on the link to view it here?

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How many opened it.

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Signed up for the newsletter, though I understand if mailing costs prohibit international shipping.

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Nicely done, Brian. And I was QUITE happy seeing my good friend Lucas Magnum had a winning novella feted at the Splatterpunk awards. Plus I signed up for the new newsletter, sir.

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I look forward to these newsletters every week. Absolutely awesome stuff .I signed up immediately !! Much love from Australia

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Can’t wait for October 15! :) I also hear you. Engagement and sales have been down this year, apparently across the board. Even though it’s a shared experience though, it’s still a massive bummer. Hang in there.

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Yes, the trials and tribulations of social media. I seem to get a lot of attractive females with two pictures on their profile that want to "connect". People tell me Instagram is the best for artists, I don't see it. I get a lot of "likes" on Facebook and if likes and hearts were money I'd be rich. Well, hopefully it rains on September 21st and postpones the Gold Star garden plein air event. If not see you at the Vortex

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Awwww, man! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! So glad like you like the albums! So glad KillerCon went amazingly! And so glad you all survived the hilarious "Roasting of the Wrath!"

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Love those albums soooooo much, man. Some of your best work, regardless of the medium.

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That makes me SOOOOO happy! Honestly feel like I'm doing the best work of my life right now. JUST WAIT FOR THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!!

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Thanks again for the weekly update. I love your Letters From the Labyrinth. I signed up immediately for your magazine. I am in Canada so please let me know if it would help if I had you send it to my son in California. He can bring them here when he comes for his next visit. I pay him in cheese and ketchup chips, so it is a fair trade.

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Hey Brian, thanks for bringing back OF KEENE INTEREST, I signed up :) Glad things are going well. Hey every now and then please post some pics of your kitties for us cat lovers :)

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I’m engaging whenever I see your stuff. The social media platforms have become a pay to play environment. Only what you pay to be seen will be seen. Not everyone can pay to do that. At least, it’s not efficient doing it that way, however.

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Why did Books A Million not carry Pressure?

Just curious and thanks,


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They did for a week. then they got in a big fight with the publisher.

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The Substack party has definitely felt "over" for a while. Makes me sad. I do think, though, that what you said about your Patreon further cements my working theory that the era of the "true fan" is now upon us.

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It's a bummer to know that social media engagement is dying, but comforting to know it's not just me. Thanks for your honesty, Brian.

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Awesome news I remember getting reading these when you first stated, and I can not wait for the first new one to come out . So great you are bringing it back !

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Look forward to engaging also. Plan to find out how to survive 2025, because it's looming with a nasty grin over our world. Thanks!

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