A speedy recovery, Sir.

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I’m sorry you’re going through all this. I had to go on steroids when I went through a brief rejection episode after kidney transplant. Until they finally lowered my dosage, I spent a lot of time apologizing to the people closest to me.

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yeah, they are no joke, for sure.

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Gonna email you something you can listen to. I think you'll enjoy it. See you end of the month. Feel better! If I can help, you know what to do...

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Hang in there man. Loved the final pic. Lots of heart in this one.

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as fan of both you and Mary's work, I look forward to THINGS LEFT BEHIND, my order is in.

I hope your recovery is speedy and as we all know grief sucks and runs on its own timetable, be well

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I hope you're feeling better, duder!

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Hope you feel better soon.

And please accept my belated condolences for the loss of your friend. Dave Thomas was a treasure.

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