Apr 24, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

FirelordHD, fantastic column! Although, that praise is coming from a dude whose only video game beaten to date is Resident Evil 4. Anyway, keep writing! Brian, Todd Keisling informed me that you actually signed my copy of Clickers Never Die with his pen. I guess it's now evidence. Ha!

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Firelord is correct. Fallout New Vegas is a literal masterpiece 👌. Most hours I have in a game is around 1500, which is a tad on the ridiculous side but I digress. Great newsletter as always.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

Excellent Fallout article, FirelordHD! I’ve never gotten into the series myself, but your write up makes me want to give it another go. Well done!

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I am not at all a Fallout fan, but your boy's crisp clean writing and obvious apple from the tree humour kept me reading it all, right up until the half eaten bandana.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

Do you do any work while hiking? I do most of my pre-draft work out there. Nothing more amenable to the creative process in my experience.

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No, only thinking. But I know that Kevin J. Anderson does most of his writing while hiking. He dictates into a voice recorder.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

Join our arboreal, voice-to-text coven, Master Keene!

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

I love that the younger generation is enjoying classic games. The Fallout franchise is my favorite of all time, and yes, New Vegas was the best of the best.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Brian Keene

New Vegas is by far my favorite too. Great piece!

Is that party the one where Laymon and Lee got plastered and wrote obscenities in all your books?

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It is that prty, indeed. ;-)

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Hope you're feeling better, Mr. Keene!

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