Damn it! I totally forgot about the signing yesterday. Really would’ve loved to have gone. Got tied up with kid’s soccer yesterday. Bummer.

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Might have to make it out to Richmond!

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Dooooo it! ;-)

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Cindy and I wish we could have attended. Been waaaay to long since we have seen you in person. Hoping you make it back down to Atlanta one day soon.

Jim Argendeli

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Y'all should come to Richmond! Make it a weekend trip and see some of the sights. ;)

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We should! Am tempted to attend the Scares that Care Author weekend. Need to first try get some time off from work.

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I always love your Sunday letters. Thank you. Congratulations on your doctor’s appt. All I can say is screw the BMI, I call it the BSI. It does not take into consideration muscle mass or bone density. You should be proud.

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