You are just a youngster Brian, after going through the school of hard knocks you’ve been through more in your lifetime than three regular joes so it might not feel that way. Remember legends like Stephen King and Dean Koontz are still writing away like total machines, it’ll be a strange day indeed when there’s no King or Koontz novel on the way.

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Congratulations on you and Mary's upcoming nuptials. May Nodens bless this unholy union. All kidding aside I am stoked that 2 of my favorite authors are getting hitched. Though I am just a random fan please know that on the day of yall's wedding I will Crack open bottle of Kentucky's finest. I will then have a drink in yall's honor and will be wishing you and Mary many more years of happiness and joy.

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I enjoy LFtL as much as l love your fiction. The best to you in everything!

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