Congratulations to you both. Hope you're feeling all better.

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Great advice, Brian. And congrats to you and Mary.

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Congratulations and best wishes to you and Mary on your wedding. Good luck with the cats, I can relate...

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Great newsletter. Solid advice. See you guys soon!

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Congratulations to you and Mary. Hope you feel better soon and the kittens find good homes.

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Congrats to you both!

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So happy for you guys! Congratulations. Your newest feral is gorgeous! I don’t think you will have any problem with the last of the babies. Have a wonderful wedding and enjoy your honeymoon/tours.

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Congratulations on your upcoming big day, to you and Mary. I need to listen to your advice. I've said yes too much this year.

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Thanks for the advice, as always. And I'm excited for you and Mary! Huge congrats...and have fun :)

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So happy for you and Mary....so exciting. Sorry you're feeling so ill though. Hope it clears out by next Saturday and thanks so much for the Bocephus and kittens update. You are the Cat Whisperer my friend and Jackson Galaxy Cat Daddy will have to step aside LOL. Looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures.

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Congratulations and well-wishes to you both. I hope the big day goes perfectly.

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Congratulations and best of luck to the kitties.

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Great advice, Brian. As I strive to go part time with my freelance writing, this rings of something worth considering. Hope you get the rest of the ick out in time for the Big One next week. Now, if you could just say N.O. to those breeding wild cats that always gravitate to your home as if you're their beacon of safety, which it seems you have become.

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I hope yo u're feeling better, and best wishes to you and Mary!

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Congrats to you both! Best wishes for many happy years!

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Congrats to you both. And thanks for the advice. It's advice I've given others--"Never underestimate the power of No."--but I'm the worst at heeding my own advice. I guess I'll heed yours, even if it pains me. ;-)

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