I echo Martin's sentiments.

On a lighter note, will Mary's The Hollower be offered for sale on your website soon?



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Yep, just waiting on stock! ;)

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Excellent newsletter this week. Really enjoyed this one, man.

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Awesome. Can they be personalized or just signed?

Buying for my son Thomas.

Thanks in advance,


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Either or. Just leave a comment in the noters section on how you'd like it signed (or email us how you'd like it signed).

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Okay, I needed a good morning cry. Fantastic essay. I loved it. And your last sentence today...powerful. And, of course, thank you for the shout-out today, and for the kind blurb. I appreciate it, brother.

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Great newsletter this week, man. I'm sure Dave will haunt the microwave soon. He's probably just enjoying himself right now and taking some time to relax.

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Wow, that was a great one. Made me wish I knew Jose. Congrats on the Lifetime Achievement. You deserve all of it and kudos to Wrath for bucking the system. Not sure this genre would be where it is now if not for writers like all the ones you mentioned. As a late bloomer to the genre I'm grateful you all exist and existed. Happy Sunday.

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I loved what you wrote for J.F.

Never quit writing.

Also how are all of the feral cats in Central PA converging upon your house? Maybe they know you’re a good dude and can take care of them. Or, maybe, one of your neighbors is a hoarders-style crazy cat lady that collects feral cats like Ob collects souls? Who knows!

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Wish i could say it's just here, but this is a problem all along both sides of the river now. It's like Whack-A-Mole. For every litter we (myself, others like me, the shelters, and the SPCA) save, four more pop up.

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A Lifetime Achievement Award! Well deserved! To hell with Gollum an the likes of him.

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Congratulations on the award, you so deserve it! And thank you for the beautiful, touching letter to Jesus....as Jesus has proved to you, so has my husband Chris to me, that life does exist after death. I've also gotten many signs from Chris, though I've never had a lucid dream, still hoping for that. I pray for Bocephus and her kittens and I pray someday she will be an indoor cat well loved and safe like her kittens. And finally, LOVE Wichita Lineman, always have....it touches your soul. Never heard the Webb version so thank you. And I love Charlie Daniels' band, Devil Went Down To Georgia. Loved the newsletter and love the new kittens. Thank you Brian for being the best cat daddy around...move over Jackson Galaxy :)

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I can’t tell you how much I love reading these every Sunday. There is always something that strikes a resonance, and always something that makes me smile. Thank you so much.

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I guess I meant strikes a chord or resonates somehow. I was having grammar remorse.

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Your opening...damn. Beyond that, you are an inspiration, man.

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Always amazed at how Brian's taste in music and mine are so parallel. Black Ribbons is one of the best albums ever!

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Dam, that first section was something else. Never met you, never spoken to you but your words always impact me.

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Congrats, I was so happy to see you get this. Thanks for doing so much for so many people :)

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