Thank you so much for the loving tribute to Bear. You were one of her favorite people! Hope you feel better soon, brother.

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So deeply sorry for the loss of your Bear. Sounds like she was a wonderful pup. I know you'll see her again someday. I've lost many animals and I really believe they are always with us in spirit. I hope that gives you some comfort. Cherish the many memories and know Bear is grateful for the wonderful life you had together.

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So sorry that you have Covid. My earnest sympathies to you; I have had "the Covid experience " three times so I have some idea of what you're experiencing now.

I hope you get well soon, and never have it again. Please have a full recovery. We all wish you well.

Paula Dufort

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Hope you feel better soon, Brian. Happy new year!

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Hope you're feeling better by now. Covid is still a bitch, so everyone be safe. My wife is on her third Covid run, and I have, somehow, yet to catch it once, despite really wanting a week off from work...

Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2024!

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Hope you feel better soon. Covid was also in our home this Christmas. It was a bit of a bummer. Happy New Year!

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Hope you start feeling better soon! Happy New Year to you and your family!

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Brian so sorry to hear you got covid! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't get covid but some other sort of flu or respiratory thing myself Christmas Eve and even though the worst is over, still not quite well yet. Wishing you health and wellness in 2024. Very sorry to hear about Bear, RIP. I'm sure she's at the Rainbow Bridge. Good luck again to you and Mary with the new store. Be well. Thanks for the updates even though you were so sick. Happy New Year and good luck with the upcoming fundraiser.

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So sorry about Bear, Brian. They say that heaven is that place where, when you arrive, all the dogs you've ever loved run to meet you.

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