Jan 7Liked by Brian Keene

You're right about 6 inches of snow not being a wallop. But I guess when you go more than 700 days without snow it hits different. Especially when that's two years of people not getting the experience of driving with snow on the road. Including new drivers who think their SUV can still go 60 mph on snow and not have a problem.

I was not aware Substack had a Nazi problem. It's distressing of course, but I think you're right to stay. I enjoy reading your and others newsletters and things on here and would hate to see it end.

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I like what you’ve said about sticking with Substack. I’m tired of jumping from one frying pan into another fire... perhaps it’s time people accepted that there are going to be fringe nutters everywhere. Problem is, if we keep running away, it will be us who are in the margins, and extremists who are in all the prominent places. I like what Wrath James White had to say on the matter too. I’m done with running. There isn’t a problem in the little community I’ve forged over here. I’m going nowhere.

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With you both on this. Have to say, I was wavering; thought I'd wait to see what emerged. I'm fed up of upping sticks too. Great comment.

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Jan 7Liked by Brian Keene

Hello Brian. Sorry to bother you about Manhattan on Mars stuff. I ordered the third book in the Labyrinth series (signed) December 26th.. so I'm assuming it will be a while before I receive it due to the transition of Vortex? Thank you for any response. Take care.

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Heya Robert! I unpacked that box first yesterday, because I knew you had an order waiting. It will go out this week, along with some extra goodies to make up for the delay. Will send a tracking number. ;-)

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Hey thank you so very much. I appreciate it.

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I want to take a moment to say Thank You. That was a very nice thing you did..I really appreciate it. And the cool thing is that I do not have either of those books. It was a nice surprise. Thank you Brian.

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Jan 7Liked by Brian Keene

Even Bemidji just got it's first few inches of snow that will stay. A strange winter so far, temp and precipitation wise.

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Jan 7Liked by Brian Keene

I remember going to the bus stop for school & the snow making everything so quiet & lovely, and freezing my butt off waiting for the damn bus🤣, growing up in central PA was awesome, I miss the mountains & the snow!

Congrats on your book store! Hope I can visit some day when I’m in PA!

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Another great post. I agree with all of it. Screw those Nazis. And in retirement I want to dedicate my life to cats and books.

Quick question about the Chris Golden House of Last Resort Weekend: Will there be a pay-to-attend option for people who can’t stay at the hotel?

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Author

Yep! Just show up and we'll get you taken care of. I'll be running registration, so no worries.

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Awesome. I hope to get there Saturday.

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Hey Brian, you, Mary and the critters stay safe in the "megastorm" LOL. I remember being a toddler maybe 3-4 years old in 1967-68 (born '64) in Philly when we got hit with a blizzard that was almost to the top of our two story rowhome in South Philly. I remember my dad breaking out the kitchen window b/c he could not open the back door to the yard to get out and yes I recall in '78 walking to 8th grade in snow up to my thighs, another blizzard; winters are definitely different now. Thank you for sharing about the cats, i'm one of those who always loves to hear the cat rescue stories. I have high hopes that you'll save Bo and the other Maine Coon kitty soon. Good luck again with the new store. Hoping you have great luck in 2024. Give Josie a pet for me!

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Glad you are sticking with Substack, because your weekly reports here are a joy. There will always be Nazis around because anywhere humans assemble, there will be controversy and trollery (excuse the made up word). Personally, I prefer cats (or most any animal) to my fellow Homo Sapiens.

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Hell yeah dude. I hope you dig Voidhaus!

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Is that out yet. Thanks. Sorry to trouble you.

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