Such a sad, angry, tired post. So sorry for your loss and all your losses over the years. I looked after hubby for the past 10. He died last July. Took till November before I could even attempt to open my laptop. So ... hear you. Words. Words help. Not mine, not the ones you read, but the ones you will write. Because it's what you do. It's what you are. 😔
I'm really sorry for your loss, Brian. I hope you find strength in the company of your family and closest ones, and know that your readers and fans share a piece of your sadness and much of your admiration for Bill when you put in words the things you go through 🌹
Hey Brian, i'm so very sorry to hear you lost yet another good friend. You know i believe they are still alive in spirit but it's never the same as having them here physically. I'm glad you have Mary and your family to support you through these rough times. If you do end up visiting F. Paul tell him Francesca loves Repairman Jack and is still waiting for the movie :) Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. Everytime we lose a loved one whether human or animal companion, they take a piece of us with them so it's no wonder we feel so lost/disjointed/empty. Will keep you and Mary in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry for your loss Brian. I've been to more funerals than I can count, it starts to mess with your mind. I recently finished The Handyman Method, It's the closest thing to reading a Bentley Little novel without reading a Bentley Little novel in my opinion. Being tired is a temporary state and a message from your brain to take a minute.
I'm very sad to hear of your loss. This is the unfortunate part of us 40/50 year Olds. We just keep watching, as people we know, love, and admire, pass. I truly am sorry.
Thank you for sharing such personal and deep feelings. Of course you are tired. Loss is more than painful. It is called loss because something is taken from us. Take care of yourself. Recharge if you can.
Such a sad, angry, tired post. So sorry for your loss and all your losses over the years. I looked after hubby for the past 10. He died last July. Took till November before I could even attempt to open my laptop. So ... hear you. Words. Words help. Not mine, not the ones you read, but the ones you will write. Because it's what you do. It's what you are. 😔
I'm really sorry for your loss, Brian. I hope you find strength in the company of your family and closest ones, and know that your readers and fans share a piece of your sadness and much of your admiration for Bill when you put in words the things you go through 🌹
Hey Brian, i'm so very sorry to hear you lost yet another good friend. You know i believe they are still alive in spirit but it's never the same as having them here physically. I'm glad you have Mary and your family to support you through these rough times. If you do end up visiting F. Paul tell him Francesca loves Repairman Jack and is still waiting for the movie :) Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. Everytime we lose a loved one whether human or animal companion, they take a piece of us with them so it's no wonder we feel so lost/disjointed/empty. Will keep you and Mary in my thoughts and prayers.
There are no magic words, so I will simply say, “I am sorry.”
You have every right to be tired and sad. I am very sorry.
Only words I can offer you, Brian: at least Bill died in his sleep. It's what all us old folks wish for.
Truly sorry for your loss, Brian. I can't even imagine how all that loss must feel. 💔
Sorry for your loss Brian. I've been to more funerals than I can count, it starts to mess with your mind. I recently finished The Handyman Method, It's the closest thing to reading a Bentley Little novel without reading a Bentley Little novel in my opinion. Being tired is a temporary state and a message from your brain to take a minute.
I'm very sad to hear of your loss. This is the unfortunate part of us 40/50 year Olds. We just keep watching, as people we know, love, and admire, pass. I truly am sorry.
My heart goes out to you
Thank you for sharing such personal and deep feelings. Of course you are tired. Loss is more than painful. It is called loss because something is taken from us. Take care of yourself. Recharge if you can.
I’m sorry for your loss.
The Handyman Method was so very good. Its black humor might actually help with some of the emotions you have right now.