Great newsletter. Love the addition to your zoo of the bunny. I was lucky enough to get Island of the Dead through Netgalley. I loved it and reviewed where I could. Will Jack’s Magic Beans be available at AuthorCon? Either of them? I know you don’t usually have a table, but maybe Mary might? I can buy through Vortex if not.

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Not sure about St. Louis. I'll have to check the vendor list and see if there are any book vendors there who might have it.

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Jun 23Liked by Brian Keene

If you are somehow working on something in the adversary cycle, I will personally mail you the sopping tissue that collects my joyous tears.

... Or just some rabbit food.

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Jun 23Liked by Brian Keene

Stay gold pony boy!

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Thanks for the update on the books. And hoping Starbuck makes it to old age despite eating your bean plants. I'm enjoying the new season of the Boys but feels weird to be watching it without Chris who turned me on to it. That actor who plays Homelander....WOW....that thing he does with his face, grimacing with the lips and cheeks when he is gonna go off on somebody, he plays that part so well, the total Anti Superman. And Butcher of course, love that guy. Glad to hear you're doing stuff with F. Paul. I'm still waiting for someone to make a good series of movies based on Repairman Jack. When I first began reading the Jack books in the early 90s I envisioned John Ritter who was still alive then playing Jack and Charlize Theron playing Gia LOL. Anyway, you and Mary stay cool in that horrible heat, that is definitely something i DON'T miss about living on the East Coast. Been here in WA State/eastern WA for almost 20 years now and love the dry heat with almost no humidity.

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Hello Brian!

I have a couple questions, are ALL your books eventually going to be re-released via MoM?

And also will you be putting End of the Road back up on your Vortex store?

Keep up your amazing work! I just finished reading Clickers II the other night and I just started Earthworm Gods!

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Jack's Magic Beans is something no horror fan should be without. I loved it, and that cover is stunning. I'm so happy to hear you're funded, and that Vortex is doing well. All the best to you, Mary and the rest of the family, including the bunny. Is it too late to plant carrots?

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Brian, I gotta ask, how/why did he convince you to use the subtitle? Is it a keyword thing?

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Speaking of beans . . . 🤣 Nice segue.

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