Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

It's sad that the existence of a trans-person would ruin someone's escapism, but it does make one wonder : if THAT is the sole criteria that derails the escape, what are they really trying to escape from?

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Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

To the person upset about the mention of trans people - get over it.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

See, Tim, this right here -- the way you went from zero to full on delusional howler monkey in the space of a comment -- is why 99.9% of the people in this industry don't like you, or have blocked you, or just don't even think of you (until you show up in their feed like some scabrous pustule that appeared on their genitals overnight). You've been doing this nearly as long as I have and you've nothing to show for it. Hell, Nickolaus Pacione is better remembered than you are. Take your fucking meds, and try writing something with more weight than a Facebook post. You don't matter to me. Your thoughts and words don't matter to me. You could leave this Earth today and I'd have forgotten about you forever five minutes after it happened. Indeed, I forget you exist now except for when you play social media Whack-A-Mole. Eat a dick, and then fuck off into the sun, but make sure you tell everyone what an asshole I am first. Lord and Cthulhu knows you're an important paragon of trust in this industry. I'm sure they'll all pay special attention to you. Lol

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Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

As the parent of a trans child I have only two words.... thank you

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Great newsletter! Amazing how a person existing can someone ruin a persons enjoyment of a book. Looking forward to Island, I’ve had it pre ordered since day one!

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Wish i could spell this early in the morning. Also, thanks for reading ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

Hey Brian. Sorry to be off topic here. But do you think you will ever write a sequel to End of the Road? I learned so much about Indy modern horror fiction and was turned on to so many horror writers I wasn’t aware of. (JF Gonzales was a big one). Anyway, just curious. Thanks.

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Yep, currently working on it. It's called AFTER WORD

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Brian. I love your work. big fan for a long time and loved 'Island' but "flat out geocide" ?

I'm little disappointed. please check your facts before posting this 'popular' pro-palestine U.N slogan everyone throwing out. Geocide definition: "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group."

As an Israeli who is living day to day the results of the war from October 7th and one who oppose/despise Netanyahu government, I can tell you the following facts:

1. The Aim of this retaliation is to destroy Terrorists Hamas and not innocent Palestine people. the Aim of Hamas is to destroy Israel state and all Jews in it. they will never stop!

2. When Hamas is attacking Israel behind schools/hospitals/camps what you think will happen?

and so on. the list is too long. unfortunately Hamas is using it's citizens as shield and tool to sacrifice in order to get opinion just like you wrote and they are succeeding in it.

Hope the nightmare will be over soon! all the best !

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Zachi: Unlike most people in this industry, I've spent time in Gaza and I've spent time in Tel-Aviv and Haifa. I've intimately seen how both sides live. I have friends in all three, still. The atrocities committed by Hamas on that horrible October last year were abhorrent. And so are the atrocities being committed by Netanyahu's indiscriminate campaign. As somebody who's served, I will never be okay with the slaughter of civilians. If Hamas is putting them in harm's way, there are plenty of other ways to operate and achieve the objectives and goals.

When bin-Laden ordered the 9/11 attacks, we spoke up when the Bush admin used it as an excuse to attack Iraq. What Hamas committed was akin to 9/11, and they should be hunted down the same way we hunted down bin-Laden and his flunkies. But the civilians being killed in Gaza are not Hamas, and speaking up for them is no different than speaking up for the Iraqi civilians, in my mind.

I said what I said, and I stand by it. But peace to you. Know that I appreciate you. <3

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Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

thanks for the kind words. I respect your opinion. the situation here feels like a cul-de-sac. we are counting the days Netanyahu reign will fall. all is left is to protest and prey.

In any case, waiting for the 'Island' sequel. I'm back to read 'Everywhere House'.

Tell Mary I'm Halfway and it blow my mind ;-)

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Jun 30Liked by Brian Keene

Hey Brian - many thanks, man, for linking over to my book review. Peace and love to you, brother.

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Very well said. As a fellow vet, I often reflect on our obligation to serve all people, not just those who look, act, or live as we do. That obligation extends beyond the borders of a country run by men (both great and terrible).

Also, I’ll never understand hating people who simply live a different life. They aren’t hurting anyone. They want to live free just like everyone else. Is their freedom less valuable than anyone else’s? It’s not.

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Greetings to a fellow scribbler. I liked this: “… their space devolves into authors shilling their books, and competing to be heard over one another, and also love-bombing reviewers for good reviews or trolling/berating them for bad reviews.” Great description of Goodreads.

May you sell lots of books!

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