Jul 16, 2023Liked by Brian Keene

I'm almost done with Ghost Walk, and enjoying it. Which book introduced Levi? I've read two that he's in, but want more of his origin story.

I've been getting your books where I can find then online. Amazon and Thriftbooks are always at the top of the search results. I'm glad I now have the link to the Manhatten on Mars site. I'll shop there from now on.

See you between the book covers.

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Ghost Walk is his first appearance. After that, he is in A Gathering of Crows, Last of the Albatwitches and the forthcoming Invisible Monsters. He's also in a few short stories. And an alternate reality version of him appears in Clickers vs. Zombies.

This link has a bunch of online ordering options so you can compare prices: https://www.briankeene.com/store

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Brian Keene


I read Gathering before Ghost Walk came in the mail.

I worked for a short time at one of the power plants on the river between York and Lancaster. So Ghost Walk is, kind of, on ground I've trodden. Beautiful country.

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You're gonna love Last of the Albatwitches! It takes place right in that area along the river. ;)

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I got a copy of The Last Albatwitches from BAM. Thanks for the tip. I'll likely read it this weekend.

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Good mornin’

I grew up in north central PA, your hunting & fishing story reminded me of my Dad, he passed away 10 years ago today & that hole in my heart is still fresh…anyway, when we were growing up, Dad hunted every year, venison in the winter, and fished in the spring & summer, we ate a lot of trout! That is how he fed his family when we were young, but I knew my Dad loved animals, it must’ve been hard for him…thanks for sharing your stories🖤

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May your father's memory be eternal, Kimberly. <3 And yeah, my old man supplemented our household a lot with hunting and fishing, too -- particularly when the paper mill workers were on strike.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Brian Keene

Hey Brian, thanks for your comments about hunting/fishing. I also don't impose my beliefs on anyone, but I also personally feel I don't have to hunt to eat in this world we live in where we are blessed with so much abundance, at least here in the US. I grew up off the Italian Market in South Philly in the mid 60s walking thru the market to school in the 70s seeing the dead deer/chickens/rabbits/fish and being an animal lover since birth, that really affected me. I pretty much was grateful for being Italian as I lived off pasta and veg for years but officially gave up meat/chicken/fish sometime mid to late 80s and never looked back. Then about 2015 my husband a meat eater until then, decided on his own due to his changing spirituality and appreciation for all life, wanted to go totally vegan, so we did together. Although he passed in 2020 from a sepsis infection, we learned a lot about ourselves, our spiritualty and many things in those last five years together being vegan. So for us, food was tied up with our beliefs, our way of life. And again, I don't impose my beliefs on anyone. I try to "educate" by forwarding peta info on FB and such to friends always with the caveat that it's just info and not brainwashing LOL. Yes if it were the 1800s I'd probably be forced to kill/eat animals or starve but i feel very blessed to live in the part of the world that we do that i can choose not to at this time; as you say, things may change unfortunately someday but for now that's how i choose to live. On a cat note, still hoping for you to save Bocephus and the rest of the kittens. Living in central WA State now, i fear the summers and the wildfires with global warming. Oh and thank you several newsletters back for recommending The Legend of Charlie Fish by Josh Rountree, basically a Creature from the Black Lagoon set in the old West. Enjoying it. And looking forward to any new stuff from you and Mary.

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I still think of Chris often (just this past week, in fact). <3

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brian Keene

I grew up in Australia & hunting is not very popular but fishing is huge. I went to the catch & release system long ago & it means l still get all the fun without the death at the end.

My Dad would say what a waste but times have changed.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Brian Keene

I have never seen mayflies in a quantity I would find annoying. But I live in Texas, and I haven't seen many at all this year. I have similar experience with hunting and fishing and share that view, though I didn't hunt until I was older.

I need to get Bryan Smith's new book one of these days.

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No hunting, now no fishing. How long until you and your lovely bride are out for burgers and you put yours down and push the plate away. “Mary, these could be Skrulls...”

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